Last update: March 11, 2009
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3760
Planning Board Video | ||
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Planning Board Recordings | ||
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Part 2 | download | listen |
Part 3 | download | listen |
Part 4 | download | listen |
Part 5 | download | listen |
Part 6 | download | listen |
Part 7 | download | listen |
Part 8 | download | listen |
9:00 AM | PLANNING BOARD MEETING - (MRO Auditorium) |
9:00 am | CONSENT AGENDA |
item *1 | Adoption of Opinions/Resolutions |
Item *2 | Record Plats |
S. Smith |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.
Subdivision Plat No. 220061060, Chas. L. Duvall Farm Staff Recommendation: Approval Subdivision Plat No. 220081460, Burtonsville Shopping Center Staff Recommendation: Approval Subdivision Plat No. 220081510, Goshen Manor Staff Recommendation: Approval Subdivision Plat No. 220090390, Wheel of Fortune Staff Recommendation: Approval Subdivision Plat No. 220090460, Takoma Park |
Item *3 | Consent Items |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved. Consent Site Plan Amendment No. 81997024E, Orchard Center, Target Remodel, C-6 Zone; 11.80 acres; Amendment to modify the parking lot layout, stormwater and sewer lines, landscaping, building footprint with no increase in the square footage and site details; Fairland Master Plan ADDED Resolution of Adoption of Amendment to the Master Plan for Historic Preservation: Damascus-Goshen Historic Resources, Designates 19 individual sites and one historic district on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation, retains four resources on the Locational Atlas and Index of Historic Sites, recommends adding one resource to the Locational Atlas, and removes 37 resources from the Locational Atlas listing or Atlas consideration Staff recommendation: Approval to Transmit Resolution to Full Commission |
Item 4 | Approval of Minutes |
Item 5 | Holy Cross Hospital of Silver Spring, Inc. |
L. Shirley C. Gilbert/ D. Powell
A. Department of Parks: (Scenic Easement encroachment) Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with conditions.
B. Final Forest Conservation Plan Amendment S-420-H Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with conditions.
C. Board of Appeals No. S-420-H Holy Cross Hospital of Silver Spring, Inc., applicant, requests a special exception modification for an expansion; R-60 Zone; located at 1500 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring Staff recommendation: Approval with Conditions Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with conditions.
(Action required for hearing by the Hearing Examiner on 03/27/09) Staff Report:
Item *6 | Bonifant Plaza |
J. Sloan/ E. Grayson
A. Project Plan Review No. 920070060, Bonifant Plaza CBD-1 zone; .59157 acres; 72 multi-family dwelling units, including 9 MPDUs; located on Bonifant Street, approximately 135 feet east of Georgia Avenue; Silver Spring Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.
B. Preliminary Plan No. 120070190, Bonifant Plaza CBD-1 zone; .59157 acres; 72 multi-family dwelling units, including 9 MPDUs; located on Bonifant Street, approximately 135 feet east of Georgia Avenue; Silver Spring. Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions Planning Board Action/Decision: Aproved. |
Item *7 | Preliminary Plan No. 119970400, Barnard Property |
N. Braunstein
RE-2C zone; 30.2 acres; 11 lots requested; 11 one-family detached dwelling units; located on Damascus Road, 1,800 feet west of Viewland Drive; Damascus. Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved. |
12:00 PM | LUNCH |
Item 15 | Closed Session -ADDED |
D. Lieb
In accordance with State Government Article, Section 10-508(a)(7), State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice (Locational Atlas of Historic Resources) |
Item 16 | Closed Session -ADDED |
In accordance with State Government Article, Section10-508(a)(13), State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, to comply with a specific constitutional, statutory, or judicially imposed requiriement that prevents public disclosures about a particular proceeding or matter. (Approval of Closed Session Minutes) |
Item *8 | Preliminary Plan No. 120050830, W. Drew Stabler Property – Extension Request |
C. Conlon
RDT zone; 161.2 acres; 4 lots previously approved for 4 one-family detached dwellings; request for extension of the preliminary plan validity; located on the east and west sides of Laytonsville Road (MD 108) approximately 1,000 feet north of Brink Road; Olney. Staff recommendation: Grant 6-month extension |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved | |
Item *9 | Preliminary Plan No. 120080030, The Bullis School |
E. Grayson
RE-2 zone; 77.63 acres; 1 lot requested; private institutional facility, expansion to existing school; located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Democracy Boulevard and Falls Road; Potomac. Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved | |
Item *10 | Preliminary Plan No. 120090060, Monty |
N. Braunstein
CBD-2 zone; 0.47 acres; 1 lot requested; 200 multi-family residential dwelling units including a minimum of 12.5% moderately priced dwelling units, and 7,700 square feet of retail use; located on Fairmont Avenue, 150 feet south of Norfolk Avenue; Bethesda Chevy Chase. Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved | |
Item *11 | Limited Site Plan Amendment No. 82002013A, Middlebrook Industrial Park, Lot 9 |
M. Smith
I-1 Zone; 4.45 acres; Amendment to modify the existing building to expand by 17,865 gross square feet with associated parking, modify setbacks, green space, landscaping and minor lot line adjustment for the building addition; located at the terminus of Amaranth Drive and adjacent to I-270; Germantown Master Plan Staff recommendation: Approval with Conditions |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved |
Item *12 | Subdivision Regulation Amendment No. 09-01 - REVISED |
G. Russ
Introduced by Council President Andrews: to amend the Subdivision Regulations to extend the validity period for a determination of adequate public facilities for certain developments (Action required for public hearing of 03/17/09) |
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved | |
Item 13 | Roundtable Discussion |
A. Commissioners' Reports B. Director's Reports C. County Council Activity D. Green Infrastructure Master Plan Strategies E. Semi-Annual Report F. Balancing Stewardship and Recreation in Montgomery County Parks -ADDED H. Status Report on Bikeway/Trail Plans Coordination -ADDED |
4:30 PM | |
Item 14 | Discussion: Housing Element of the General Plan |
S. Suarez/ R. Stanley
Limited amendment to the Montgomery County General Plan to address the range of housing needs of County residents and help increase and preserve the County's stock of affordable housing. Link to Staff Memo Planning Board Action/Decision: Hearing Date: First week of May
(No Public Testimony will be taken) |
5:30 PM | DINNER |
Dinner with Housing Opportunities Commission | |
Discussion of Affordable Housing and addressing Housing opportunities through the Master Plan process |
8:00 PM | ADJOURN |
March | 5 | 9:00 a.m. | Montgomery County Planning Board Meeting, MRO Auditorium, 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring |
12 | 9:00 a.m. | Montgomery County Planning Board Meeting, MRO Auditorium, 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring | |
12 | 6:00 p.m. | Montgomery County Planning Board Dinner with Historic Opportunities Commission, MRO 3rd Floor, 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring | |
18 | 9:30 a.m. | Full Commission Meeting , PRA Auditorium, Riverdale, MD | |
19 | 9:00 a.m. | Montgomery County Planning Board Meeting, MRO Auditorium, 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring | |
19 | 7:00 p.m. | Growing Smarter Montgomery Speaker Series - Andrea Sarzynski: Local opportunities to influence Carbon Footprints | |
26 | 9:00 a.m. | Montgomery County Planning Board Meeting, MRO Auditorium, 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring |