The Montgomery County Planning Board Agenda

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Thursday, May 23, 2013 - 9:05 am


8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3760

Please note:

Meeting Video Recordings
(viewable by individual agenda item)
Minutes Archives
Resolutions Archives
  1. Unless otherwise noted, Planning Board meetings are held on Thursdays and begin at 9:00 a.m. The agenda is subject to change and certain items may be postponed or added.
  2. The Planning Board encourages public testimony unless otherwise noted on the agenda. Refer to the Planning Board Rules of Procedure for more information on public testimony. Any individual or organization may submit a written statement for consideration by the Planning Board. Written comments must be received in the Chair's office at least 24 hours in advance of the Planning Board hearing date, referencing the hearing date and item, to be reviewed by the Board and included in the official record of the hearing. Written comments received within 24 hours before a hearing date will be placed in the file, but will not be considered by the Planning Board or included in the official record. Comments should be transmitted via e-mail to, faxed to Chair Françoise Carrier at 301-495-1320, or addressed to: Françoise Carrier, Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board, 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910.
  3. Copies of testimony presented orally or copies of correspondence will not be distributed at the hearing.
  4. Occasionally due to time constraints, the Planning Board may limit the total amount of time dedicated to public testimony. Public testimony may not be taken for items identified as Briefings, Worksessions and/or Roundtables. On other occasions when no public testimony will be taken, the agenda will specify.
  5. To testify on an agenda item, sign-up online or call 301-495-4605 before 4:00 pm the day before the meeting. On the day of the meeting, please see the clerk in the Board Auditorium to sign-up. Submission of written comments does not constitute signing up to speak.
  6. View the Planning Board proceedings live on our website for meeting updates:
  7. The Planning Board makes the final decision on any agenda items with an (*). On such matters, Maryland law and the Planning Board’s Rules of Procedure prohibit any member of the public from directly contacting or communicating with Board members outside the public hearing setting. See the Outside Communications section of the Planning Board Rules of Procedure for more information.

    The Montgomery County Planning Board is no longer mailing meeting agendas to county residents and associations. To stay involved, consider subscribing to our weekly e-newsletter, InfoShare

** For more details about the Planning Board’s action on any item, you may link to the videotaped hearing after noon on the day following the meeting and select the item you wish to hear. **

item 1 Consent Agenda

*A. Adoption of Resolutions


1. Koseian Property Preliminary Plan 120110390 - MCPB No. 13-70

Planning Board Action/Decision: Adopted.


*B. Record Plats


Subdivision Plat No. 220130360, Great Falls Estates
RE-2 zone, 2 lots; located on the north side of Skipwith Lane, approximately 1500 feet west of Belmart Road; Potomac Subregion Master Plan.

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

Subdivision Plat No. 220130610, Oak Grove
RE-2 zone, 2 lots; located on the south side of Glen Road, approximately 700 feet southeast of Three Sisters Road; Potomac Subregion Master Plan.
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.


*C. Other Consent Items


8701 Burning Tree Road - 120110200

Adoption of Second Correction Resolution (to correct condition # 9)  - REMOVED

  *D. Approval of Minutes
   Minutes of April 23 and April 25, 2013

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

Item 11 Request for Budget Transfer - ADDED/TIME CHANGED

A. Gardner

Legal Department - ADDED

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

Item 3 Planning Board Tour - White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan - TIME CHANGED

N. Sturgeon

12:00 PM LUNCH
Item 7 Closed Session

Pursuant to State Government Article Annotated Code of Maryland 10-508(a)(7) to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice

Item 5 Reconsideration of Preliminary Plan No. 120120210: Crystal Rock - TIME CHANGED

R. Weaver

Crystal Rock approved by the Planning Board on March 14, 2013, with Regard to the Condition Related to Design, Construction and Maintenance of Private Streets

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved, Hearing set for June 13, 2013.

Item *6 Preliminary Plan No. 120120190: Fernwood - TIME CHANGED

C. Gilbert

Resubdivision of one lot (Lot 1) into two lots for the construction of two new single-family detached dwelling units on 20,534 square feet of land in the R-90 Zone; located at 9810 Fernwood Road, Bethesda in the North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan area.

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Conditions.

Item 12 Request for Budget Transfer - ADDED

J. Zimmerman

Finance Department

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.


Item 2

Roundtable Discussion - TIME CHANGED

J. Zimmerman

The Finance Department - Operating Funds Nine Month Financial Report Including Projections to June 30, 2013.
The Finance Department - Enterprise Funds Nine Month Financial Report Including Projections to June 30, 2013.

Item 9 Long Branch Sector Plan – Review Proposed Planning Board Draft 

M. Williams

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved Draft and Transmit to County Executive and County Council.

item 10 Zoning Text Amendment No. 13-04 & District Map Amendment G-956

P. Dunn

Replace all of Chapter 59 in the current Zoning Ordinance; apply a new zoning map (G-956) for the County making the GIS zoning layer the official zoning map for the County; and implement recommendations of ZTA 13-04 by replacing certain obsolete zones with new zones, where applicable.

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved to Transmit Comments to County Council.

(Action required for County Council public hearing of 6/11/13)

Item 8

White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan - Public Hearing

N. Sturgeon

Public Hearing Draft Plan - ADDED

9:30 pm ADJOURN