The Montgomery County Planning Board Agenda

8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3760    301-495-4605

Thursday, February 19, 2015

REVISED: Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 12:25 pm

Please note – Agenda changes and testimony rules:

To learn more, see the About section at the end of this document:

9:00 am

Item 1

Consent Agenda


*A. Adoption of Resolutions 

  1. Tri-County Baptist Church Preliminary Plan 11997100A – MCPB No. 15-23 Planning Board Action/Decision: Adopted. 

*B. Record Plats 


Subdivision Plat No. 220150080 Hillmead - Bradley Hills
R-60 zone; 2 lots; located on the south side of Ridge Road, 100 feet west of Melwood Road; Bethesda - Chevy Chase Master Plan.

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

*C. Other Consent Items 


*D. Approval of Minutes  

  Minutes of January 29, 2015 Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.
Item 2

Roundtable Discussion

Parks Director's Report

Item 8

Program Open Space Briefing

Status of program open space in the M-NCPPC CIP


C. Morgan


Planning Board Action/Decision: Discussion, No Vote Taken.

Item 3 Patuxent River Watershed Conservation Park

Authorization to acquire12.0 acres, more or less, unimproved from 15820 O.P., L.L.C. and 24.52 acres, more or less, unimproved from Magums Branch Homeowners Association, Inc., located west of Old Columbia Pike, north of Spencerville Road (MD Rte. 198), Burtonsville, MD 20866.


W. Gries

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.
Item *4

St. Elmo Apartments: Sketch Plan No. 320150040

CR-5.0 zone, C-1.0 R-4.75 H-145T, 0.91 acres, Request for up to 310,780 sf. of mixed-use development with up to 264,768 sf. of residential development (including 15% MPDUs)and 61,500 sf. of non-residential development, located between St. Elmo and Fairmont Avenues, approximately 275 feet northeast of Old Georgetown Road; Bethesda CBD Sector Plan



S. Dickel

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved and Adopted Resolution.
Item *5

Poplar Hill (a.k.a Harlow Subdivision) Lot 45: Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12003010A (In Response to a Forest Conservation Violation)


S. Peck

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved and Adopted Resolution.
Item 6

Relocation and Expansion of the Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center: Mandatory Referral: MR2015013

Relocation and Expansion of the Montgomery County Recreation Department’s (MCRD) Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center (NRC) located at M-NCPPC’s Good Hope Local Park 14717 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring MD. Construction of new recreation building, new environmentally compliant parking lot, American with Disabilities Act (ADA) site improvements, and relocated playground.
Staff Recommendation: Approval

M. Wallis/B. Farquhar

Item 7

Briefing on Symposium and Upcoming Dinner with the Board of Education


Planning Board Action/Decision: Discussion, No Vote Taken.
12:25 PM ADJOURN  

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