Montgomery County 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3760 301-495-4600, |
The following time schedule is an estimate subject to change without notice, depending on the circumstances affecting each item. On individual agenda items, public testimony is accepted unless otherwise noted and italics indicate staff’s recommendation for Board action. For information about meetings in progress, call 301-495-1333. For other information, call 301-495-4600 or the TTY (teletypewriter used by people with hearing or speech impairments) at 301-495-1331. The Planning Board encourages the participation of individuals with disabilities in all its programs and services. Meeting agendas and other planning and parks information are available on the Internet – | ||||||||||||
Note: Staff reports are usually complex documents including text, photographs, and maps. Graphics especially create large file sizes and these files may take several minutes to download on slower modems and even some broadband connections. Files can take as long as 10 minutes to download. | ||||||||||||
*Sound may be distorted at times. Volume adjustments were made so later hours are clearer. |
9:00 A.M. |
9:30 A.M. |
Conference Room, 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring)
Loehr B.
Mooney M.
Rosenfeld B.
Gries B.
Gries M.
Rosenfeld |
11:00 A.M. |
Roll Call Approval of Minutes Commissioners’ Report Director’s Report Reconsideration Requests |
A.M. B.
Gries Combine
1 & 2 |
1. |
to Convey to Maryland State Highway Administration: 0.043 acres
in perpetual easement and 0.622 acres in temporary construction easements
for MD Rte. 195 (Carroll Avenue) road improvements - Approval. |
Gries |
2. |
to Convey to Maryland State Highway Administration: 0.5598 acres
in fee and 0.1529 acres in temporary construction easement for MD Rte.
115 (Muncaster Mill Road) road improvements – Approval. |
Zamore Combine
3 and 4 |
*3. |
Cole |
4. |
Pfefferle |
5. |
12:00 P.M. |
1:00 P.M. |
(MRO Auditorium, 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver
Spring) |
Russ Combine
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 |
6. |
Text Amendment No. 04-11 - Introduced by Councilmembers Floreen,
Silverman, Subin, Knapp and Leventhal; amend the Zoning Ordinance to
eliminate the building coverage requirement and reduce the green area
requirement in all multiple-family residential zones for any development
containing MPDUs on site – Approval with modifications. PUBLIC
7. |
Text Amendment No. 04-12 - Introduced by Councilmembers Floreen,
Silverman, Subin, Knapp and Leventhal; amend the Zoning Ordinance to
allow a reduction in the public use space requirement for a standard
method project in a CBD zone that includes MPDUs on site; allow the
public use space requirement for a CBD zone optional method project
that includes MPDUs on-site to be reduced or located off-site in the
same CBD; allow a residential density bonus over the base density where
MPDUs are provided in accordance with Chapter 25A; and clarify that
the number of residential units and residential FAR may be increased
for a project in a CBD or Transit Station zone that includes MPDUs on
site – Approval with modifications. |
8. |
Text Amendment No. 04-13 - Introduced by Councilmembers Floreen,
Silverman, Subin, Knapp and Leventhal; amend the Zoning Ordinance to
allow an exception to the master plan, sector plan, and urban renewal
plan conformity requirements regarding density or building height for
any project in a CBD, RMX, or Development Plan zone that includes MPDUs
on site - Approval with modifications. |
9. |
Text Amendment No. 04-14 - Introduced by Councilmembers Floreen,
Silverman, Subin, Knapp and Leventhal; amend the Zoning Ordinance to
allow under certain circumstances up to 100 percent of the total number
of dwelling units in a single-family residential zone to be a certain
dwelling unit type to achieve MPDUs on site – Approval with modifications. |
10. |
Regulation Amendment No. 04-1 - Introduced by Councilmembers Floreen, Silverman,
Subin, Knapp and Leventhal; amend the Subdivision Regulations to allow
a reduction in the right-of-way width of a tertiary road to achieve
MPDUs on site; and allow an exception to the master plan conformity
requirement for a preliminary subdivision plan that includes MPDUs on
site – Approval with modifications.
Attachments - See Item 6 |
Moritz |
11. |
Bills 24-04 and 25-04: Moderately Priced Dwelling Units Amendments – Approval
with modifications.
Gilbert |
12. |
Map Amendment No. 821: Tri-Capital Partners LLC, applicant,
requests reclassification from the R-60 zone to the RT-8 zone for 16
townhouses; located at 3961 Greencastle Road, Burtonsville – Approval. |
Rifkin Combine
13, 14, and 15 |
13. |
of Appeals No. S-2610: PetsMart, Inc., applicant, requests a
special exception to operate an animal boarding place; CBD-1 zone; 4605
Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda – Approval. |
14. |
Board of Appeals No. S-2611: PetsMart, Inc., applicant, requests a special exception to operate a veterinary hospital; CBD-1 zone; 4605 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda – Approval. |
15. |
of Appeals No. S-2612: PetsMart, Inc., applicant, requests a
special exception to operate a pet shop; CBD-1 zone; 4605 Bradley Boulevard,
Bethesda – Approval. |
Russ Combine
16, 17, 18, 19 |
16. |
Text Amendment No. 04-15 - Introduced by Councilmember Perez;
amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow a waiver of certain Planned Development
(PD) zone standards to facilitate the preservation, reuse, or redevelopment
of a historic district – Approval with modifications. |
17. |
Text Amendment No. 04-16 - Introduced by Councilmember Silverman;
amend the Zoning Ordinance to provide a process for an applicant for
reclassification of property located in a Metro Station Policy Area
to satisfy the applicant’s burden of proof on certain traffic impact
issues – Approval with modifications. |
18. |
Text Amendment No. 04-17 - Introduced by the District Council
at the request of the Planning Board; amend the Zoning Ordinance to
clarify the intent and purpose of the RNC Zone including the rural open
space requirements – Approval with modifications. |
19. |
Text Amendment No. 04-18 - Introduced by the District Council
at the request of the Planning Board; amend the Zoning Ordinance to
create an Environmental Overlay Zone for the Upper Rock Creek Special
Protection Area – Approval with modifications. |
Bunnag Combine
20 & 21 |
*20. |
Nelson |
21. |
Kinney |
*22. |
Preliminary Plan Review No. 1-04095 – Black Rock Estates R-200 Zone; 1 lot; 1 single-family detached dwelling unit; 1.74 acres; located on the west side of Germantown Road (MD 118), approximately 660 feet south of Black Rock Road; Agricultural and Rural Open Space Functional Master Plan - Approval with conditions. |
Conlon |
*23. |
Plan Review No 1-04019 – Woodcrest R-200 and RDT Zones; 86 lots;
59 single-family detached dwelling units, 27 townhouses; 47 acres; located
on the east side Frederick Road (MD 355), approximately 2,200 feet north
of Clarksburg Road (MD 121); Clarksburg Master Plan – Approval with
conditions. |
Weaver |
*24. |
Record Plats |
6:45 P.M. |
law and the Planning Board’s Rules of Procedure regarding ex parte (outside
the record) communications require all discussion, review, and consideration
of this matter take place only during the Board’s public hearing. Telephone calls and meetings with Board members
in advance of the hearing are not permitted. Written communications will be directed to appropriate staff members
for response. |
Notices and Reminders |
September |
8 - |
7:00 p.m., |
Silver Spring Recreation Advisory Board, Parkside Headquarters, 9500 Brunett Avenue |
8 - |
7:30 p.m., |
Historic Preservation Commission Meeting, MRO Auditorium |
9 - |
9:30 a.m., |
Montgomery County Planning Board General Meeting, 3rd Floor Conference Room, MRO |
13 - |
7:00 p.m., |
Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board, Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center, 2450 Laytonsville Road |
14 - |
4:30 p.m., |
Wheaton Urban District Advisory Committee, Mid-County Services Center, 2424 Reedie Drive |
14 - |
7:15 p.m., |
East County Citizens Advisory Board, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring |
15 - |
9:30 a.m., |
Full Commission Meeting, MRO Auditorium |
15 - |
7:00 p.m., |
Upcounty Regional Recreation Advisory Board, Upcounty Regional Service Center, Room B, 12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown |
16 - |
Hashanah |
No Montgomery County Planning Board Meeting |
The Development Review Division, *Questions have been added to obtain information to help
the Planning Board to monitor the implications of policy, planning,
and regulatory decisions to the supply, demand, and affordability of
housing. For additional affordable housing information, contact Michael
Asanté, Strategic Planning, (301) 495-2118. |
Fairland Trails Concept Plan
Meeting Set for September 22 You're invited to attend a community meeting Wednesday, September 22, at 7:00 p.m., at Bond Mill Elementary School, 16001 Sherwood Avenue, Laurel, on the proposed trails concept plan for M?NCCP's Fairland Recreational and Fairland Regional Parks in Burtonsville and Laurel. Trail planning staff will present a draft concept plan and encourage you to offer ideas, comments and concerns for the development of a trail network of natural and hard surface trails for walkers, hikers, cyclists and equestrians. This proposed trail network would connect to the existing shared-use Holly Trail and would replace an existing section of the trail network. For more information, contact trail planners Lyn Coleman, 301-650-4391, or Eileen Nivera, 301-699-2522, |