The Montgomery County Planning Board Agenda

8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3760    301-495-4605

Thursday, July 23, 2015

REVISED: Thursday, July 23, 2015 - 1:35 pm

Please note - Agenda changes and testimony rules:

To learn more, see the About section at the end of this document:

9:30 am

Item 1

Consent Agenda


*A. Adoption of Resolutions 


*B. Record Plats 


Subdivision Plat No. 220150200 - 220150250, Garnkirk Farms
PD-11 zone, 77 lots and 6 parcels; located on the north side of Shawnee Lane, opposite Tate Street; Clarksburg Master Plan.

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

Subdivision Plat No. 220151490, Blair Park
CR zone, 1 parcel; located in the easterly quadrant of the intersection of Colesville Road (MD 384) and Eastern Avenue; Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan.

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

*C. Other Consent Items 

  Correction of Resolutions for Preliminary Plan No. 120150010-MCPB No.15-41, Gables White Flint and Site Plan No. 820150010-MCPB No.15-42, Gables White Flint Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

*D. Approval of Minutes  

  Minutes of July 9, 2015  
Item *2

Clarksburg Town Center
A. Project Plan Amendment No. 91994004D, Clarksburg Town Center, RMX-2 and RDT zones, 270.92 acres, Amendment to reduce the residential units by 86 du; increase overall commercial density by 11,465 SF; add office and medical uses; revise the design and layout of the Commercial Core; add a new Community Building to the Residents’ Club; add a parking area on Sinequa Square; redesign Block H; revise Kings Local Park and Piedmont Woods Local Park. Located in the northeast quadrant of Stringtown Road and Frederick Road (MD 355); in the 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area, and as amended in 2011 and 2014.

B. Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11995042B, Clarksburg Town Center, RMX-2 and RDT zones, 270.92 acres, Amendment to reduce the residential units by 86 du; increase overall commercial density by 11,465 SF; add office and medical uses; revise the design and layout of the Commercial Core; add a new Community Building to the Residents’ Club; add a parking area on Sinequa Square; redesign Block H; revise Kings Local Park and Piedmont Woods Local Park. Located in the northeast quadrant of Stringtown Road and Frederick Road (MD 355); in the 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area, and as amended in 2011 and 2014.

C. Site Plan Amendment No. 82007022D, Clarksburg Town Center, RMX-2 and RDT zones, 270.92 acres, Amendment to reduce the residential units by 86 du; increase overall commercial density by 11,465 SF; add office and medical uses; revise the design and layout of the Commercial Core; add a new Community Building to the Residents’ Club; add a parking area on Sinequa Square; redesign Block H; revise Kings Local Park and Piedmont Woods Local Park. Located in the northeast quadrant of Stringtown Road and Frederick Road (MD 355); in the 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area, and as amended in 2011 and 2014.


S. Pereira

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Conditions.
12:45 pm LUNCH  
Item 9

According to MD ANN Code, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b)(7), to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice

C. Rubin



Item 3

Roundtable Discussion

Parks Director's Report

Planning Board Action/Decision: Discussion, No Vote Taken.
Item 4 Bennett Creek Conservation Park

Authorization to acquire 3.5566 acres, more or less, improved, from Barbara J. Day et al, and the adjoining parcel of land containing 132.8765 acres, more or less, unimproved, from James Kent MacKendree Day Trustee, et al, located on the west side of MD Rte. 124 (Ridge Road), north
of Main Street in Damascus, Maryland 20872

Staff Recommendation: Approval

J. Kaye

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Conditions.
Item 8 Upper Paint Branch Stream Valley Park
Authorization to acquire 6.0342, more or less, improved, from Thao Thanh Bui, located at 14907 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20905.

Staff Recommendation: Approval

W. Gries



Item *5

Milestone: Preliminary Plan No.11987271C and Site Plan No.82001009E

Request to amend the Preliminary Plan and Site Plan to introduce three multi-family residential buildings and project-serving retail into the current office park. Located on the north side of Interstate 270, between Ridge Road and Dorsey Mill Road, 44.33 acres, CR2.0 Zone, C-1.75, R-0.5, H-125 T, Germantown Employment Area Sector Plan.

C. Nelson

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Conditions.
Item *6

Elizabeth Square
A. Project Plan No. 920150010, Elizabeth Square, CBD-1 zone and CBD-2 zones, 3.12 acres, Mixed-use project with up to 141,651 766.046 sf. of residential uses, with up to 140 907 multi-family dwelling units (including 15% MPDUs and 10% WFHUs), and up to 75,222 6,032 sf. of non-residential uses, and up to an additional 63,896 sf. for government-operated facilities (includes density transfer from sending sites), located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection with Second Avenue and Apple Avenue; Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan

B. Mandatory Referral No. MR2015024, Elizabeth Square, CBD-1 zone and CBD-2 zones, 3.12 acres, Mixed-use project with up to 141,651 766,046 sf. of residential uses, with up to 140 907 multi-family dwelling units (including 15% MPDUs and 10% WFHUs), and up to 75,222 6,032 sf. of non-residential uses,and up to an additional 63,896 sf. for government-operated facilities (includes density transfer from sending sites), located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection with Second Avenue and Apple Avenue; Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan

C. Elizabeth Square, Preliminary Plan No. 120150030, CBD-1 zone and CBD-2 zones, 3.12 acres, Mixed-use project with up to 141,651 766,046 sf. of residential uses, with up to 140 907 multi-family dwelling units (including 15% MPDUs and 10% WFHUs), and up to 75,222 6,032 sf. of non-residential uses and up to an additional 63,896 sf. for government-operated facilities (includes density transfer from sending sites), located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection with Second Avenue and Apple Avenue; Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan

S. Dickel/N.Braunstein

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Conditions and Adopted Resolutions.
4:30 pm DINNER  
Item 7

Working Draft Montgomery Village Master Plan – Staff Presentation
Staff Recommendation: Approve Working Draft as Public Hearing Draft and Set Public Hearing for September 10, 2015

ATTACHMENT 1 - Montgomery Village Master Plan Working Draft

ATTACHMENT 2 - Montgomery Village Overlay Zone Draft

R. Kamen

8:30 pm ADJOURN  

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