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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / News / Get a Crash Course in Planning and How it Leads to Great Communities at October 6 Open House

Get a Crash Course in Planning and How it Leads to Great Communities at October 6 Open House

SILVER SPRING – Want to know more about how good planning leads to the best environments in which to live, work and play?

Just what do planners do? How does their work and that of the Planning Board affect your neighborhood? Find out what’s in store for the county at the Planning Smarter: Creating a Great Montgomery County Open House on Saturday, October 6.

Attend the Open House to learn about the latest projects and initiatives underway by the Montgomery County Planning Department. Drop in any time during the three-hour event to visit any of 11 displays on topics such as master plans and interactive online mapping tools.

Residents will get a chance to talk one on one with planners and express what they would like to see in their communities. Kids can explore the art of planning by participating in a build-a-box-city activity.

Among the educational offerings:

  • tour the headquarters building
  • see development projects approved by the Planning Board
  • learn what’s in the cards for Wheaton, White Oak and Chevy Chase Lake through recently approved or master plans in progress
  • find out about the comprehensive Zoning Rewrite Project
  • preview the latest Department web tools that array information like zoning, conservation easements and parks on county maps

Can’t attend? Visit our virtual open house, where you have an opportunity to view displays and leave a comment.

Montgomery County Planning Department

Planning Smarter: Creating a Great Montgomery County Open House

10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, October 6

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring