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Home / News / MEDIA ADVISORY: What’s Next for Sligo Creek Golf Course? Department of Parks Asks Public for its Ideas

MEDIA ADVISORY: What’s Next for Sligo Creek Golf Course? Department of Parks Asks Public for its Ideas

SILVER SPRING, MD—On October 1, 2009, the Montgomery County Revenue Authority will return Sligo Creek Golf Course back to the Montgomery County Department of Parks. To determine what to do with the 65-acre park site, the Department of Parks is conducting a park master plan study to identify interim and future long-term uses for the property. Parks staff will present its draft master plan study, which will include several concepts for the park based on the community input received, to the Montgomery County Planning Board on October 1.

This upcoming community meeting is the first step in planning for the park’s future. At the meeting, parks staff will present draft objectives, analysis of environmental buffers, review developable and undevelopable areas of the park, discuss the interim maintenance and security of the property and review the county’s recreation needs. Parks staff will then ask the public for its ideas about short-term and future uses for the park.

In addition to this meeting, the public will have more opportunities to provide input throughout the planning process. Interested community members may send comments and suggestions to Department of Parks Planner Coordinator Rachel Newhouse at There will also be opportunities to provide public testimony at upcoming Planning Board meetings.

Montgomery County Department of Parks

Sligo Creek Golf Course Re-Use Plan Community Meeting

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
7:00 pm

Park and Planning Headquarters
Montgomery Regional Office Auditorium
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910

To stay informed on the planning process and upcoming opportunities for public input, visit

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Kelli Holsendolph
Media Relations Manager
Montgomery County Department of Parks