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Home / News / MEDIA ADVISORY: Northwest Branch Recreational Park Master Plan on Thursday’s Planning Board Agenda

MEDIA ADVISORY: Northwest Branch Recreational Park Master Plan on Thursday’s Planning Board Agenda

SILVER SPRING, MD—This Thursday, May 22, 2008, the Montgomery County Planning Board will discuss the objectives and outreach for the Northwest Branch Recreational Park Master Plan.

As an early step in the master planning process for the partially developed 680-acre Northwest Branch Recreational Park, located in the mid-eastern portion of the county, north of Bonifant Road, the Planning Board will determine the issues and objectives of the park’s master plan. The Department of Parks is proposing the master plan meet the following objectives: complement and enhance the Trolley Museum and related facilities to provide a family destination park; provide additional recreation facilities to serve area and county needs; develop a trail system to provide recreation, exercise and connectivity, including connections to the Rachel Carson Greenway and Layhill Local Park; provide nature-oriented recreation and protect natural areas; reflect an emphasis on historical and cultural interpretation; and provide the best possible design in light of the ICC alignment.

In February 2008, the Department of Parks with the Eastern and Mid-County Recreation Advisory Boards held a community “kick off” meeting about the development of the Northwest Branch Recreational Park master plan, which included discussion of many of these topics. The department has also developed and posted an online survey, at, to solicit additional community feedback into the plan development. A final draft park master plan for public hearing is anticipated to be presented to the Planning Board by the spring of 2009.

For more on the Northwest Branch Recreational Park Master Plan development, contact Department of Parks Park Planning Supervisor Tanya Schmieler at 301-650-4392 or

Montgomery County Planning Board
Montgomery County Department of Parks

Northwest Branch Recreational Park Master Plan Issues and Outreach Discussion

Thursday, May 22, 2008 at approximately 2:00 pm

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD

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Kelli Holsendolph
Media Relations Manager
Montgomery County Department of Parks