Item 1 | Preliminary Matters |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
*B. Approval of Minutes | |
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |
Bethesda DAP AppointmentStaff Recommendation: Board approval G. Bogdan | |
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) |
Subdivision Plat No. 220250610 – 220250620, Montgomery Village Center CRT zone, 2 lots; located on the east and west sides of Village Walk Drive at its intersection with Centerway Road; Montgomery Village Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) |
Korean Mission Church, Preliminary Plan No. 120240050 – Regulatory Extension No. 3Request to extend the regulatory review period for three months until June 26, 2025. An application to create one lot for one existing single-family detached dwelling unit and one lot for a religious institution, including adult daycare; Located at 1201 Ashton Road, on the south side of Ashton Road, approximately 3,600 feet west of the Howard County line; 28.22 acres, RC zone and 1998 Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the extension J. Casey | |
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report
Item 5 | Operating Budget Discussion1. Commissioners’ Office 2. Planning Department 3. Department of Parks 4. Central Administrative Services (CAS) I. Branda/K. Warnick & A. Ford/K. Bentley/T. Bacote-Charles |
Item 6 | Budget Transfer Request FY25 Operating Budget – Montgomery ParksRequest to transfer available funding from Personnel Services in the Park Fund to Non-personnel Supplies and Materials, Other Services & Charges, Capital Outlay). Staff recommendation: Approval of the request for a FY25 Budget Adjustment for the Department of Parks. K. Bentley |
Item 7 | Briefing: County Executive’s Recommended Biennial FY25-30 Capital Improvement Program and FY26 Capital Budget for the Department of ParksStaff Recommendation: Response to County Executive’s Biennial FY 25-30 CIP for the Department of Parks R. Peele |
11:55 am | LUNCH |
Item 9 | Project Briefing – Old Columbia Pike/Prosperity Drive between New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) and Cherry Hill Road (Public Testimony Accepted)The applicant, Montgomery County Department of Transportation proposes to design and construct 1.82 miles of side path improvements on the east side of Old Columbia Pike and Prosperity Avenue, including the reconstruction of an existing bridge over Paint Branch. The project includes intersection improvements on Old Columbia Pike/Prosperity Avenue at Tech Road and Old Columbia Pike/Prosperity Avenue at Industrial Parkway. Four alternatives have been developed by MCDOT, and this briefing will evaluate these alternatives and propose staff recommendations. Staff Recommendation: Transmit comments to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation S. Aldrich |
Item 10 | Mandatory Referral MR2025012 (Public Testimony Accepted)Norwood Road Shared Used Path between MD 108 and Ashton Forest Way. The applicant, Montgomery County Department of Transportation, proposes to design and construct 1,349 feet of sidepath improvements on the west side of Norwood Road between Olney-Sandy Spring Road (MD 108) and Ashton Forest Way. Staff Recommendation: Transmit comments to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation S. Aldrich |
Item 8
MOVED FROM MARCH 27 AGENDA | University Boulevard Corridor Plan Work Session 2Work Session 2 for the University Boulevard Corridor Plan Staff recommendation: Discuss the University Boulevard Corridor Plan and provide guidance to staff. Z. Adrianvala |
6:00 pm | ADJOURN |
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REVISED: Friday, March 21, 2025 - 4:57PM