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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / Meet The Board / Mission


As part of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the Montgomery County Planning Board works to:


In 1927, the Maryland Legislature created M-NCPPC to acquire land and implement plans for a system of parks and conservation areas, determine the location of highways, exercise control of the subdivision of land, and implement zoning regulations. Maryland State Law (Article 28) provides the basic planning and zoning authority for M-NCPPC.

M-NCPPC has 10 Commissioners, five appointed by the Montgomery County Council and five by the Prince George’s County Executive. Thefive members of the Montgomery County Planning Board are appointed for staggered, four-year terms. Planning Board members may serve a maximum of two full terms, and no more than three members may belong to the same political party. The Montgomery County Council appoints and the County Executive confirms all members of the Montgomery County Planning Board.


Each year, the County Council approves the operating budget for the Planning Board, Planning Department and Department of Parks and sets priorities for each work program. The Planning Board meets every Thursday, and at other times as needed, at Park and Planning Headquarters, 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD.

Among the Planning Board’s responsibilities:


The Planning Board welcomes resident participation in planning for the orderly physical development of Montgomery County. Consult the Planning Board’s weekly agenda to find out when the Board will review specific items. The Board encourages residents to participate by writing letters and testifying in person. Sign up to testify at the appropriate Planning Board hearing.

When the Planning Board makes decisions on subdivision plans, site plans and project plans, it is subject to ex-parte provisions that restricts its members from speaking on these issues outside the public record. Residents who wish to express their views on these issues should not attempt to communicate directly with members of the Planning Board, but should submit oral or written testimony for the public record. Letters may be submitted in advance of the public hearing and will be included in the public record.

Adjoining and confronting property owners who will be affected by a subdivision or other development activity receive official notice from the staff.