Item 1 | Preliminary Matters |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
*B. Approval of Minutes | |
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |
Bethesda DAP AppointmentStaff Recommendation: Board approval G. Bogdan | |
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) |
Subdivision Plat No. 220250610 – 220250620, Montgomery Village Center CRT zone, 2 lots; located on the east and west sides of Village Walk Drive at its intersection with Centerway Road; Montgomery Village Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) |
Korean Mission Church, Preliminary Plan No. 120240050 – Regulatory Extension No. 3Request to extend the regulatory review period for three months until June 26, 2025. An application to create one lot for one existing single-family detached dwelling unit and one lot for a religious institution, including adult daycare; Located at 1201 Ashton Road, on the south side of Ashton Road, approximately 3,600 feet west of the Howard County line; 28.22 acres, RC zone and 1998 Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the extension J. Casey | |
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report
Item 5 | Operating Budget Discussion1. Commissioners’ Office 2. Planning Department 3. Department of Parks 4. Central Administrative Services (CAS) I. Branda/K. Warnick & A. Ford/K. Bentley/T. Bacote-Charles |
Item 6 | Budget Transfer Request FY25 Operating Budget – Montgomery ParksRequest to transfer available funding from Personnel Services in the Park Fund to Non-personnel Supplies and Materials, Other Services & Charges, Capital Outlay). Staff recommendation: Approval of the request for a FY25 Budget Adjustment for the Department of Parks. K. Bentley |
Item 7 | Briefing: County Executive’s Recommended Biennial FY25-30 Capital Improvement Program and FY26 Capital Budget for the Department of ParksStaff Recommendation: Response to County Executive’s Biennial FY 25-30 CIP for the Department of Parks R. Peele |
11:55 am | LUNCH |
Item 8
MOVED FROM MARCH 27 AGENDA | University Boulevard Corridor Plan Work Session 2Work Session 2 for the University Boulevard Corridor Plan Staff recommendation: Discuss the University Boulevard Corridor Plan and provide guidance to staff. Z. Adrianvala |
4:00 pm | ADJOURN |
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REVISED: Friday, March 21, 2025 - 4:57PM