9:00 am MRO AUDITORIUM | ||
Item 1 | Consent Agenda
A. Adoption of Resolutions B. Record Plats Subdivision Plat No. 220151200 – 220151240, Cabin Branch Staff Recommendation: Approval C. Other Consent Items Sandy Springs Townhomes: Site Plan Amendment No. 82016001AConsent Site Plan Amendment No. 82016001A: Request to revise the data table to reduce the minimum lot size, and to adjust the paving materials used in the open space plaza, located on the south side of Olney – Sandy Spring Road, approximately 250 feet west of the intersection with Meeting House Road; 2.3 acres, CRN 0.75 C-0.25 R-0.75 H-45; 2015 Sandy Spring Rural Village Plan. D. Approval of Minutes | |
Item 2
Planning Board Action/Decision: Discussion | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report | |
Item 3
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved Amendment for Publishing | Worksession #3 and Plan Approval, Countywide Park Trails Plan AmendmentStaff Recommendation: Review and approve final edits and changes, as well as plan appendices. Approve the plan amendment for publishing. | |
Item 4
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved | FY17-22 Biennial CIP Submission ReviewC. Morgan | |
Item 5
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Modified Conditions | Washington Episcopal Day SchoolA. Washington Episcopal Day School, Preliminary Plan No. 120150160, PD-28 Zone, 11.21 acres; Request for the creation of two new lots, increase of the existing Washington Episcopal School enrollment of 600 students, and construction of a new 121-unit age-restricted multi-family building; located on Landy Lane between River Road and Little Falls Parkway; 1982 Westbard Sector Plan Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions B. Washington Episcopal Day School, Site Plan No. 820150080, PD-28 Zone, 0.85 acres; Request for the construction of a new 121-unit age-restricted multi-family building; located on Landy Lane between River Road and Little Falls Parkway; 1982 Westbard Sector Plan Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions M. Folden | |
12:45 pm | Lunch | |
Item 6
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Item 7
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Modified Conditions |
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Item 8
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with Conditions | Kemp Mill Beer, Wine and U-HaulConditional Use No. CU 16-13: Request for conditional use approval for Light Vehicle Rental in the existing Kemp Mill Shopping Center zoned NR-0.75 H-45; located at 1339 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring; within the 2001 Kemp Mill Master Plan area. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Action required for Hearing by Hearing Examiner on October 17, 2016) E. Tettelbaum | |
Item 9
Planning Board Action/Decision: Discussion | White Flint 2 Sector Plan Briefing on Implementation IssuesStaff Recommendation: Discussion N. Yearwood | |
Item 10
Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved Public Hearing Draft | Recreation Guidelines 2016: Working DraftStaff Recommendation: Approve Public Hearing Draft ATTACHMENT – Guidelines Working Draft F. Boyd/M. O’Quinn/C. McGovern | |
5:15 pm | ||
3 | Department of Permitting Services PRELIMINARY/FINAL WATER QUALITY PLAN
This site is located on MD Route 124 between the Lindbergh Drive entrances which is partially within the Upper Rock Creek Special Protection Area. The proposal for this 6.15 acre site is to remove the existing buildings and gravel parking and construct two new commercial buildings, a warehouse and the associated parking.
If you wish to request a public information meeting, a written request must be submitted to this office within 15 days of this notice (Notice posted 9/16/2016). The Water Quality Plan is available for review at the Department of Permitting Services office during working hours (8:00am-4:00pm Monday through Friday). For further information, please call Leo Galanko at (240) 777-6242. The address for the Department of Permitting Services is:
Department of Permitting Services |
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REVISED: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 3:50PM