Item 1 | Preliminary Matters |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
*B. Approval of Minutes | |
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) |
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) |
Big Woods Manor, Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240050 and Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240910 Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the regulatory review period until June 26, 2025: Application to create two lots for a new single-family detached dwelling and retaining an existing single-family dwelling; located at 20925 Big Woods Road, Dickerson, MD; R-200 Zone, 1980 Agricultural and Rural Open Space Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request M. Clayborne | |
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report
Item 5 | More Housing N.O.W. – New Options for Workers Package (Public Hearing)The More Housing N.O.W. package aims to drive down housing costs and increase pathways to homeownership in the county through two Zoning Text Amendments, one Subdivision Regulation Amendment, and one bill. A. ZTA 25-02 Workforce Housing – Development Standards This ZTA would allow additional types of residential dwelling units along select transportation corridors through a new Workforce Housing optional method of development in the R-200, R-90, R-60, and R-40 zones. B. ZTA 25-03 Expedited Approvals – Commercial to Residential Reconstruction This ZTA would create a new Commercial to Residential Reconstruction use, establish a new expedited approval plan type, and allow reallocation of commercial FAR to residential in certain employment zones. C. SRA 25-01 Administrative Subdivision – Expedited Approval Plan This SRA creates an administrative subdivision process expediting review for Commercial to Residential Reconstruction uses. D. Bill 2-25 Taxation – Payments in Lieu of Taxes – Affordable Housing This Bill would allow a Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) for a residential development resulting from the conversion of an existing commercial property into residential as allowed by ZTA 25-03 for Commercial to Residential Reconstruction, exempting 100% of the real property tax for 25 years. Staff Recommendation: Transmit comments to the District Council supporting Bill 2-25, ZTA 25-02, 25-03, and SRA 25-01 with comments. B. Berbert/L. Govoni
11:25 am | LUNCH |
Item 6 | Glenmont Corridors Opportunity StudyResults for the Glenmont Corridors Opportunity Study Staff recommendation: Receive briefing on the Glenmont Corridors Opportunity Study and transmit to the Montgomery County Council. Z. Adrianvala |
Item 7 | Master Plan of Highways and Transitways – 2024 Technical Update – Work Session #2Work session #2 will be held for the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways. Staff Recommendation: Discuss Public Hearing comments and provide direction to staff. S. Aldrich |
5:30 pm | ADJOURN |
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REVISED: Friday, February 21, 2025 - 3:33PM