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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / June 18, 2020


REVISED: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - 4:47PM
9:00 am


Item 1

Consent Agenda

*A. Adoption of Resolutions

*B. Record Plats


Subdivision Plat No. 220200410, North Bethesda Office Center East
CR zone; 2 parcels; located immediately southeast of the intersection of Nicholson Lane and Huff Court; White Flint Sector Plan.

Staff Recommendation: Approval

*C. Other Consent Items

Long Branch Corner, Preliminary Plan No. 120180090, Extension Request No. 7

CRT 2.5 C 0.5 R 2.5 H 60 zone, 0.67 acres, Seventh request to extend review from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020, for one lot for up to 3,428 square feet of new non-residential development in addition to the existing 3,714 square feet of non-residential development, which will remain on the Site. The Application includes a waiver of the required number of parking spaces; located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection with University Boulevard East and Piney Branch Road; 2013 Approved and Adopted Long Branch Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of Extension

M. Folden

Radwick Lane, Preliminary Plan 120200150 and Site Plan 820200120, Regulatory Extension Request No. 2

Request to extend the regulatory review period from July 9, 2020 to September 3, 2020; request for ten lots and various HOA parcels for ten detached single-family homes; located on Radwick Lane 1,500 feet south of the intersection of Radwick Lane and Norbeck Road, Aspen Hill; on approximately 5.8 acres of land zoned R-200; within the 1994 Aspen Hill Master Plan area.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Extension Request

P. Smith

Administrative Subdivision No. 620200010, 20035 New Hampshire Avenue– Regulatory Review, Extension Request No. 1

Request to extend the regulatory review period from March 25, 2020 to September 23, 2020: Application to create one lot for a one detached single-family home; located at 20035 New Hampshire Avenue; 3.61 acres; RC Zone; 2005 Olney Master Plan.

Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Extension

R. Sigworth

Adoption of Corrected Resolution for Collection I : Site Plan 82001021H

M. Folden

*D. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of June 4, 2020

Item 2

Roundtable Discussion

Planning Director’s Report

Item 3

Presentation of Annual Land Use Report to MDP

As per the requirements established by State legislation, each local jurisdiction must submit an annual land use report to the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP). The objective of this request is to monitor growth statewide and to determine if State smart growth policies are having beneficial or unanticipated effects. This report for Calendar Year 2019 is the tenth such report prepared by the Montgomery County Planning Department for Board approval of transmission to the County Council President and the State of Maryland Department of Planning.
Staff Recommendation: Approve Report and Transmit to County Council President and the Director of the State Department of Planning

J. Mukherjee

Item *4

7272 Wisconsin Avenue

A. Preliminary Plan No. 12016038A, 7272 Wisconsin Avenue CR 8.0 C 7.5 R 7.5 H 290 and Bethesda Overlay zones, 2.69 acres, Request for 937,184 square feet of development for up 456 multi-family dwelling units, including a minimum of 12.5 percent MPDUs, up to 360,800 square feet of office uses, and up to 14,572 square feet of retail uses; Up to 80 market-rate multifamily dwelling units within the maximum 456 dwelling units may be short-term rentals; located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection with Wisconsin Avenue and Elm Street, 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan
B. Site Plan No. 82016020B, 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, CR 8.0 C 7.5 R 7.5 H 290 and Bethesda Overlay zones, 2.69 acres, Request for 937,184 square feet of development for up 456 multi-family dwelling units, including a minimum of 12.5 percent MPDUs, up to 360,800 square feet of office uses, and up to 14,572 square feet of retail uses; Up to 80 market-rate multifamily dwelling units within the maximum 456 dwelling units may be short-term rentals; located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection with Wisconsin Avenue and Elm Street, 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


M. Folden

Item *5

Downtown Silver Spring

A. Project Plan Amendment 91998005C
CBD-0.5; CBD-1; CBD-2; CBD; R-2 zone; 22.5 acres. Request to amend previously approved Project Plan to increase public use space by 10,242 square feet, from 268,758 square feet to 279,000 square feet; located within the blocks bounded by Colesville Road, Georgia Avenue, Cedar Street, and Wayne Avenue. Silver Spring Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions
B. Site Plan Amendment 81999002M
CBD-0.5; CBD-1; CBD-2; CBD; R-2 zone; 22.5 acres. Request to amend previously approved Site Plan to redesign and increase public use space by 10,242 square feet, from 268,758 square feet to 279,000 square feet, restrict Ellsworth Drive access for non-essential vehicles, reduce parking by 11 spaces, decommission previously approved public art and install new public art, and update data table to reflect past amendments; located within the blocks bounded by Colesville Road, Georgia Avenue, Cedar Street, and Wayne Avenue; Silver Spring Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions



G. Bogdan

Item *6

Metro Tower, Limited Site Plan Amendment No. 82019011A

CR 5.0 C 5. R 4.75 H 250 and Bethesda Overlay zones, 0.57 acres, Request to modify the design of the below-grade parking garage to provide up to 75 additional parking spaces within one-and-a-half additional below grade levels. No changes to density, height, or exterior building design are proposed. Located on the west side of Wisconsin Avenue between Elm Street and Hampden Lane; Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

M. Fuster

12:15 pm


12:44 pm


Item 7

Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment Worksession No. 1: Land Use Analysis-Metro Neighborhoods

Staff Recommendation: Discussion and provide direction to staff


N. Yearwood

Item 8

2020-2024 Subdivision Staging Policy (SSP)/County Growth Policy: Work Session # 1 – Schools Element

The Planning Board will hold a work session on recommendations for the 2020 update to the county’s Subdivision Staging Policy and related infrastructure funding mechanisms.
Staff Recommendation: Planning Board Discussion

County Growth Policy – Public Hearing Draft

County Growth Policy – Public Hearing Draft Appendices


J. Sartori/ H. Baek

5:15 pm