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Attend Montgomery County Planning Department’s Winter Speakers Series

Public invited to series of presentations focusing on housing issues

SILVER SPRING, MD – The Montgomery County Planning Department is hosting a winter speakers series with a special emphasis on housing. The first event is being held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 30 at the Park and Planning Montgomery Regional Office Building Auditorium in Silver Spring and will feature speaker Lisa Sturtevant, Vice President for Research at the National Housing Conference and Executive Director of the Center for Housing Policy.

As the region grows, the connections between housing and transportation become more critical. Sturtevant will explore how housing and transportation are two sides of the same coin, the land and property cost impacts of transit, and some tools to preserve and create affordable housing.

“Housing is one of the most critical issues the County is facing, and it’s important for us to look at the best practices nationally and in our region,” said Gwen Wright, Montgomery Planning Director, “and this speakers series will help to continue the dialogue on how to solve housing issues in the County.”

The sessions are free and open to the public and there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions.

In late February, the series will continue with planners from the City of Alexandria, VA, who have just completed a new citywide Housing Plan. The speakers will include Mildrilyn Davis and Helen McIlvaine.

More sessions are being planned for March and April.

First session details:

Montgomery Planning Department Winter Speakers Series

Featuring Lisa Sturtevant, Executive Director, Center for Housing Policy and Vice President for Research, National Housing Conference

Thursday, Jan. 30, 6 p.m.
Montgomery County Planning Department – Auditorium
8787 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910

About the speaker:
Lisa A. Sturtevant is Executive Director of the Center for Housing Policy and Vice President for Research for the National Housing Conference. Her primary areas of research include housing, migration, demographics and regional economic development. Dr. Sturtevant’s most recent research includes housing demand in the Richmond and Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas, generational perspectives on residential mobility and migration, and strategies for preserving affordable housing near transit.

About the series:
The Planning Department’s Winter Speakers Series is focusing on housing. It is an opportunity for residents, business owners, planners, elected officials and community leaders to learn more about national and regional trends pertaining to housing.

Who should attend:
Residents, business owners, planners, elected officials and community leaders

About The Montgomery County Planning Department:
The Montgomery County Planning Department, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, aims to improve quality of life by conserving and enhancing the natural and built environment for current and future generations. The Planning Department creates great communities by developing master plans, reviewing applications for development and analyzing various types of information to help public officials plan for Montgomery County’s future. The Department is comprised of 140 staff members and provides recommendations, information, analysis and services to the Montgomery County Planning Board, the County Council, the County Executive, other government agencies and the general public. Visit

Bridget Schwiesow
Communication Manager
M-NCPPC Montgomery County Department of Planning or 301.641.0457