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Home / News / Bicycle Master Plan Kicks Off With April 20 Meeting at Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus

Bicycle Master Plan Kicks Off With April 20 Meeting at Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus

Community invited to learn about the upcoming Bicycle Master Plan beginning with in the vicinity of the planned Corridor Cities Transitway on Monday, April 20 from 7 – 9 p.m.

Silver Spring, MD – The Montgomery County Planning Department, part of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), is hosting a community meeting on Monday, April 20 from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus (9601 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850: Academic and Research Building, Room 106-110) to kick off the Bicycle Master Plan.  This meeting will provide an overview of the countywide planning effort while focusing specifically on bikeways in the vicinity of the planned Corridor Cities Transitway.

At the April 20 meeting, planners will present their approach to the plan and milestones of the process while providing opportunities to give feedback and engage in person. RSVP’s are encouraged but not required. RSVP for the April 20 community meeting.

From April through July, planners will be working on developing a high-quality bicycle network that facilitates access to the planned Corridor Cities Transitway stations from the surrounding communities and ensure coordination and compatibility with the Life Science Center Loop, an off-road trail currently under design by the Planning Department.

Review a map of the Montgomery County Bicycle Master Plan Corridor Cities Transitway focus area.

Starting July 1, 2015, staff will begin working on a comprehensive update to the Master Plan of Bikeways, initiating a two-year process to comprehensively review and update the County’s bicycling network.  There will be ample opportunities for the community to get involved in the planning process. Check out the Bicycle Planning webpage to learn more.

The Master Plan of Bikeways, approved in 1978, has been amended over the years by area master plans, with a comprehensive update focused on “countywide” bikeways in 2005.


What is the Bicycle Master Plan all about? Why do we need to revise it?
The goal of the plan is to develop a high-quality, low-stress bicycling network in Montgomery County. Changes in planning over the past decade provide an opportunity to rethink and improve our bicycle network and design.

What is the Corridor Cities Transitway? How does it relate to bicycling?
The Corridor Cities Transitway is a planned bus rapid transit (BRT) project that will ultimately connect Shady Grove to Clarksburg via the Shady Grove Life Sciences Center and Germantown. A high quality bike network will expand access to the stations.

What is the duration of the planning process?

The Bicycle Master Plan is scheduled to be completed September 2017. Review the full schedule for this plan:

March 31, 2015Council Review of Work Program
July 1, 2015Start Work
Sept 2015Planning Board Approves Scope of Work
March 2016Methodology Report to Planning Board
Nov 2016Staff Draft
February 2017Planning Board Worksessions
April 2017Planning Board Draft
Sept 2017Council Approval

What will be the final product?
An updated countywide Bicycle Master Plan that lays out a coordinated network of bikeways and locations for bicycle storage. It will guide future facility planning studies and aid in the development approval process.

How can I get involved?
Attend meetings, talk to staff, send us your comments! Contact:

David Anspacher
Functional Planning and Policy Division

Learn more about Bicycle Planning in Montgomery County.