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Home / News / Call of the Wild! Department of Parks Natural Resources Manager Talks Coyotes With Fallsgrove Community, Offers Tips

Call of the Wild! Department of Parks Natural Resources Manager Talks Coyotes With Fallsgrove Community, Offers Tips

ROCKVILLE, MD-Montgomery
County Department of Parks Natural Resources Manager Rob Gibbs has been
invited by the Fallsgrove Property Owners Association (POA) to address
Fallsgrove residents tonight at 7:00 pm about coexisting peacefully
with coyotes in Montgomery County.

“Our parks and open
spaces are ideal habitat, which entice various wildlife to make them
home including the highly adaptable coyote,” said Rob Gibbs, parks
natural resources manager.

However, park trail
users, parents, children and pet owners can live peacefully with the
county’s coyote neighbors. Gibbs offers the following tips:

– Never feed coyotes or wildlife (other than birds).

– Don’t leave bowls of pet food or water outside at night.

– Keep garbage in sturdy containers with tight fitting lids.

– Keep compost in enclosed bins instead of exposed piles.

– Keep bird feeders out of reach and don’t let seeds accumulate on the ground.

– Keep pets inside at night and watch small dogs while outside, even during daylight hours.

– Keep cats indoors.

– Always walk your dogs on a leash.

– Spay or neuter your dogs.

– Supervise small children at all times.

– Close off crawl spaces under porches and sheds where coyotes could rest and den.

– Don’t tolerate coyotes around your yard-chase them off by yelling, throwing sticks, etc.

“Keeping coyotes wild and good neighbors has as much to do with our actions as it does theirs,” added Gibbs.

For problems with
coyotes or other wildlife, call the Maryland Wildlife information line
toll free at 877-463-6497. Also, for more on natural resources and
parks, visit