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Home / News / MEDIA ADVISORY: Department of Parks Hosts Public Lecture on History of Animal Industry Building in Norwood Local Park Wednesday, November 14

MEDIA ADVISORY: Department of Parks Hosts Public Lecture on History of Animal Industry Building in Norwood Local Park Wednesday, November 14

BETHESDA, MD—The Montgomery County Department of Parks will host a public lecture Wednesday, November 14 on the history of the main building at Norwood Local Park, known historically as the Office and Administration Building of the Bureau of Animal Industry’s Bethesda Experiment Station. Department of Parks Cultural Resources Manager Joey Lampl will present the historical research gathered to date about the main brick building and discuss the evolution of the overall uses at the site from the 1897 period to the present. The Department of Parks will also discuss its plans for evaluating the building for potential historic designation and its plans to partner with the community on a feasibility study so that all of the building’s spaces can once again be used.

In late June, the Department of Parks briefed the Montgomery County Planning Board on draft proposals for managing 31 park recreation buildings (activity centers) within the parks system. The Bureau of Animal Industry Building at Norwood Local Park was among those buildings studied. Wednesday’s lecture is the first update and public dialogue on how the department is assessing the history of this building and plans to move forward to its full utilization.

Montgomery County Department of Parks

Historical Lecture on Norwood Local Park Building

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
7:00 pm

Norwood Local Park
4700 Norwood Road, Bethesda, Maryland

For more information on the department’s park recreation buildings (activity centers) study, see

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Kelli Holsendolph
Media Relations Manager
Montgomery County Department of Parks