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Home / News / MEDIA ADVISORY: Department of Parks Hosts Town Hall Meeting on Future of Park Recreation Buildings (Activity Centers), Tuesday, October 16

MEDIA ADVISORY: Department of Parks Hosts Town Hall Meeting on Future of Park Recreation Buildings (Activity Centers), Tuesday, October 16

WHEATON, MD—The Montgomery County Department of Parks will host a town hall meeting on Tuesday, October 16 to discuss the 31 small and medium-sized park recreation buildings (activity centers) in the county’s parks system. An overview of the agenda follows:

I.     Welcome, introductions, overview of schedule
    Park Planning and Stewardship Division Chief John Hench

II.    Presentation of study findings and overview of potential marketing campaign
Senior Park Planner Mark Wallis
Park Information and Customer Service Office Supervising Manager Kate Stookey

III.    Questions & Answers

IV.    Small group breakout sessions on individual park buildings

V.    Information sharing from breakout groups, more Q&A, closing comments

Montgomery County Department of Parks

Town Hall Meeting on Future of Park Recreation Buildings (Activity Centers)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
7:00 pm

Brookside Gardens Auditorium
1800 Glenallen Avenue
Wheaton, Maryland

For more on this project, please visit

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Kelli Holsendolph
Media Relations Manager
Montgomery County Department of Parks