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Home / News / Montgomery County Planning Board to Consider Scope of Work for Glenmont Sector Plan

Montgomery County Planning Board to Consider Scope of Work for Glenmont Sector Plan

SILVER SPRING – To maximize the presence of the Glenmont Metro Station, built in1998, as well as encourage private redevelopment to accompany recent public investments in the community, Montgomery County planners are setting the stage to write an updated sector plan for Glenmont.

On Thursday, the Planning Board will review a scope of work for the Glenmont Sector Plan update, which proposes to evaluate the potential of the Glenmont Shopping Center to become a mixed retail-residential focal point in the community, improve pedestrian connections to the center and between neighborhoods, and help protect environmental features like the nearby Northwest Branch.

Glenmont is seeing changes thanks to public investment, from a new Metro parking garage under construction along Georgia Avenue to a major interchange improvement at Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road. Another public project will move Fire Station #18 half a mile north on Georgia Avenue next to the new parking garage.

The scope of work describes opportunities to build upon Glenmont’s assets. A priority would be improving pedestrian routes to ensure safe travel to and from the Metro and commercial center. Planners also will analyze the need for more community facilities and consider innovative uses for public assets such as the former elementary school site at Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road.

The document also describes strategies for community outreach as planners develop the sector plan, including a series of public workshops where the community will define a vision for the Glenmont Shopping Center and surrounding area. The kick-off event will be held Saturday, February 4. Spanish interpreters will be available at the meeting.

Planners develop master and sector plans to create a framework for each community designed to last 15 to 20 years. Those visions help planners and policy-makers – such as the Planning Board and County Council – develop land use strategies and decide on proposed development.

Download more information about the Glenmont plan, the February workshop and view the draft scope of work.

Montgomery County Planning Board

Proposed Glenmont Sector Plan scope of work

Thursday, January 26, approximately 3 p.m.

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD
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