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Home / News / Montgomery County Planning Board to Host Public Hearing on Local Enforcement

Montgomery County Planning Board to Host Public Hearing on Local Enforcement

SILVER SPRING, MD – The Montgomery County Planning
Board will hold a public hearing on its new plan to clarify its
rules and procedures on Thursday,
October 25 at approximately 4:30 p.m. at its headquarters in downtown Silver
Spring. Interested community members and
organizations are welcome to attend and testify.

The proposed rules and procedures spell out a
consistent way for the Planning Board to
address alleged violations of approved development plans and Montgomery County’s
forest conservation law. The Board is seeking to develop a single set of fair,
efficient, understandable and easily administered rules that apply to any
alleged violation under the Planning Board’s jurisdiction.

The enforcement procedures are part of the Board’s
ongoing effort to clarify key board procedures including how public hearings
are conducted, how development applications are accepted and how Planning Board
decisions are enforced.

draft rules under consideration cover enforcement proceedings, pre-hearing
procedures, the role of a hearing officer, the board’s decision-making process
and how appeals are handled.  The draft rules
govern process only. They do not change
the laws or regulations the board enforces.

The Montgomery County Planning Board

Public hearing, Draft enforcement rules and procedures

Thursday, October 25, 2007 – approximately 4:30 p.m.

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD