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Home / News / Montgomery Planning Board to Consider Future Plan for Silver Spring Town Square Area

Montgomery Planning Board to Consider Future Plan for Silver Spring Town Square Area

SILVER SPRING, MD – On Thursday, June 21, at approximately 3 p.m., the
Montgomery County Planning Board will hold a public hearing to consider a plan
to develop Silver Spring’s
future town square – which could include a civic building and an ice rink at
Fenton Street and Ellsworth Drive.

The development proposal is part of a comprehensive Silver Spring
revitalization project started in 1998. The civic building would provide space
for several community and government organizations. The current plan includes a
paved plaza, pavilion and public art in the form of a memorial to war veterans.

During the planning stage, builders installed temporary artificial
turf at the location that has served as a popular gathering space for
restaurant-goers and passers-by.

Thursday’s Board discussion and action may answer the question: paved or green space?

Throughout the county’s outreach process on the rink proposal,
residents appeared to be split on the county’s proposed ice rink plan, with
some expressing enthusiasm and others favoring green space.

Referring to specific parts of the county’s 2000 plan for the Silver
Spring Central Business District, planning staff has recommended approval of
the civic building but not the ice skating rink, pavilion and plaza area.
Planning staff wants the hardscape, or paved, portions of the plan removed and
the town square redesigned to look more like a park.

Montgomery County Planning Board

Consideration of site plan amendment: downtown Silver
Spring civic building and town square

Thursday, June 21, 2007 – approximately 3 p.m.

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD