Item 1 | Preliminary Matters |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
*B. Approval of Minutes | |
Minutes for January 30 and February 6, 2025 | |
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) |
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) |
PLD Lot 25 Redevelopment, Mandatory Referral No. MR2025005, Preliminary Plan No. 120250040, Site Plan No. 820250030 & Forest Conservation No. F20250110 Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the regulatory review period two months from February 27, 2025 until April 24, 2025. An application to create one lot for a 230,000 square foot mixed-use building containing up to 235 units with 20% MPDUs, including up to 228 multifamily units and 7 live work units and public parking, one lot for dedication of public parkland, and abandonment of a public alley; 1.88 acres; located approximately 130 ft east of Wisconsin Avenue on the block bounded by Maple Avenue, Tilbury Street, Highland Avenue, and a public alley; CR-3.0, C-2.0, R-2.75, H-70, CRT-0.5, C-0.25, R- 0.5, H-70 and Bethesda Overlay Zone (BOZ); 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of Extension Request G. Bogdan | |
2811 14th Street NE Gospel Hall, Inc. Church (211 Ednor Road), Preliminary Plan No. 120250050: Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 1Request to extend the regulatory review period until April 24, 2025; Application to create one (1) lot for an existing detached dwelling unit, one (1) lot for an existing cellular telecommunication tower and a new 10,549 SF religious assembly building, one (1) parcel for park dedication, and other site-related improvements; 211 Ednor Road; 15 acres; RE-2; 1997 Cloverly Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request P. Estes | |
Rickman Property, Preliminary Plan No. 120250060: Regulatory Extension Request No. 1Request to extend the review period from February 27, 2025 to April 27, 2025; Application to create one (1) lot for up to 40,451 square feet of light industrial uses, composed of 17,765 square feet of warehouse use, 14,400 square feet of office use, 5,000 square feet of lighting manufacturing use, and 3,286 feet of retail use; 18849 Woodfield Road; 6.23 acres; IL-1.0, H-50 & Upper Rock Creek Overlay Zone; 2004 Upper Rock Creek Area Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request J. Server | |
ADDED | Cavanaugh Family Parcel, Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240180 and Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240560 Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 3Request to extend the regulatory review period until April 17, 2025: Application to create one lot for new a single-family dwelling; located at 6910 Damascus Road; AR Zone; 2006 Damascus Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request M. Clayborne |
ADDED | MHP Amherst Preliminary Plan No. 120250010, Site Plan No. 820250010, & Forest Conservation Plan No. F20250080 Extension Request No. 1Request to extend the regulatory review period until May 15, 2025: Application to create a mixed-income, affordable, residential development containing 272 multifamily dwelling units, 39 townhomes, structured parking, a 42,000 square foot County Arts & Cultural Center, and up to 20,000 square feet of commercial space; located in downtown Wheaton, north of Blueridge Avenue, between Georgia Avenue and Elkin Street; CR-2.0, C-1.5, R-1.5, H-75 Zone; 6.14 acres; 2012 Wheaton CBD and Vicinity Sector Plan. Staff recommendation: Approval of the extension request. T. Leftwich/E. Fowler |
ADDED | Mohammed Residence, Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240210: Regulatory Extension Request No. 1Requests to extend the regulatory review period from November 5, 2024 to May 15, 2025. An application to create one lot from one parcel in order to construct one residence; Located on Game Preserve Road, approximately 2,000 west of I-270; On approximately 1.11 acres zoned R-200; Within the 2024 Great Seneca Master Plan area. Staff Recommendation: Approval A. Lindsey |
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionPlanning Director’s Report
Item 5 | Legislative UpdateDLS Budget – Recommendations to modify or eliminate funding for land preservation programs HB 1466 / SB 0891 – Land use and Real Property – Accessory Dwelling Units – Requirements and Prohibitions – Support with Amendments HB 1036/ SB 0931 – Public Utilities – Generating Stations – Generation and Siting (Renewable Energy Certainty Act) – Informational D. Borden |
Item 6 | Eastern Silver Spring Communities Plan Visioning UpdateStaff will brief the Planning Board on the plan’s community visioning to date, including what they have heard from the community and who they have reached through the process so far. Plan de Comunidades de Eastern Silver Spring: Actualización de la visión comunitariaEl personal informará a la Junta de Planificación sobre la visión comunitaria del plan hasta la fecha, incluido lo que han escuchado de la comunidad y a quién han llegado a través del proceso hasta ahora. L. Stamm
Item 7 | Wilgus II/Northpark, Sketch Plan Amendment No. 32019007A (Public Hearing)Request to replace the previously approved mixed-use development with 138 back-to-back two-unit condominiums, and revise associated conditions of approval and public benefits; located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Montrose Parkway and Towne Road; on the remaining 4.02-acres (out of 16.64 acres tract) of land zoned CR-2.0, C-1.0, R-1.5, H-200 and CR-2.0, C-0.25, R-1.75, H-75; within the 2018 White Flint 2 Sector Plan area. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions T. Graham |
Item 8
Item 9 | Zoning Text Amendment 25-01 Self-Storage – Civic and Institutional (Street Activation and Vacancy Elimination – S.A.V.E.) (Public Hearing)ZTA 25-01 would allow the use Self-Storage above the ground floor in the CR zone, if it is an adaptive reuse of a vacant office building, and has a Charitable, Philanthropic Institution or a Cultural Institution use is on the ground floor. Staff Recommendation: Transmit comments to the District Council supporting the ZTA with comments. Item 9 – Attachment A: Zoning Text Amendment 25-01 Item 9 – Attachment B: Self Storage MoCo Item 9 – Attachment C: CA 25-01 B. Berbert |
Item 10 | Climate Assessments for ZTA 25-02 Workforce Housing – Development Standards and 25-03 Expedited Approvals – Commercial to Residential Reconstruction (Public Hearing)Planning staff will brief the Planning Board on the climate assessments for ZTAs 25-02 and 25-03 to transmit the assessments one week before the District Council public hearing on 3/11. Planning staff will present analysis and recommendations on the Housing NOW package to the Planning Board on 3/6, including ZTAs 25-02 and 25-03. A. ZTA 25-02 Workforce Housing – Development Standards This ZTA would allow additional types of residential dwelling units along select transportation corridors through a new Workforce Housing optional method of development in the R-200, R-90, R-60, and R-40 zones. B. ZTA 25-03 Expedited Approvals – Commercial to Residential Reconstruction This ZTA would create a new Commercial to Residential Reconstruction use, establish a new expedited approval plan type, and allow reallocation of commercial FAR to residential in certain employment zones. Staff Recommendation: Transmit the climate assessments to the District Council for ZTA 25-02 and ZTA 25-03. Item 10 – Attachment A: Climate Assessment for ZTA 25-02 Item 10 – Attachment B: CA ZTA 25-03 Expedited Approvals Item 10 – Attachment C: IntroPacket 25-02 Workforce Housing Item 10 – Attachment D: 25-03 Expedited Approval C to R Reconstruction Item 10 – Correspondence M. Symborski/B. Berbert |
5:00 pm | DINNER |
Master Plan Public Hearing | University Boulevard Corridor Plan Public HearingPublic Hearing for the University Boulevard Corridor Plan Staff recommendation: Receive Public Testimony on the Public Hearing Draft of the University Boulevard Corridor Plan Public Hearing – Correspondence Received Up to Tuesday, February 25, 12 pm, noon – Attachment A Public Hearing – Correspondence Received Up to Tuesday, February 25, 12 pm, noon – Attachment B Public Hearing – Correspondence Received Up to Tuesday, February 25, 12 pm, noon – Attachment C Z. Adrianvala |
8:00 pm | ADJOURN |
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REVISED: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 2:34PM