10:00 am | PLANNING BOARD MEETING | ||||||||||||
Item 1 | Preliminary Matters | ||||||||||||
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |||||||||||||
*B. Approval of Minutes | |||||||||||||
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |||||||||||||
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) | ||||||||||||
Subdivision Plat No. 220241220, Clarksburg Town Center CRT zone; 7 parcels; located on both sides of St. Clair Road, immediately southeast of Clarksburg Square Road; Clarksburg Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |||||||||||||
Subdivision Plat No. 220250400, Westwood Square CRT zone; Staff Recommendation: Conditional Approval | |||||||||||||
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) | ||||||||||||
Bradley Hills Grove Section 2, Preliminary Plan 120230090 8509, 8513 Meadowlark Lane, Extension Request #4Request to extend review period, from March 13, 2025 to September 13, 2025, for a Preliminary Plan application to create four lots for residential use in the R-90 zone; On Meadowlark Lane, 475 feet southeast of Burning Tree Road; 2.26 acres; 1990 Bethesda Chevy-Chase Master Plan Item 3 – Attachment T. Gatling | |||||||||||||
500 Valley Brook Drive: Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240120 and Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240780, Regulatory Extension Request No. 2Request to extend review period to November 11, 2025; Application to create three lots for three detached houses; 500 Valley Brook Drive, Silver Spring; R-200 Zone; 1.56 acres; 1997 White Oak Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions E. Tettelbaum | |||||||||||||
Kingsview Knolls, Preliminary Plan No. 120220180 and Forest Conservation Plan No. F20230340: Regulatory Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the review period from February 15, 2025 to May 15, 2025; Application to create five (5) lots for five (5) single-family detached dwelling units; On Kingshill Road, 200 feet southwest of Kingsbrook Drive; 1.77 acres; R-200 Zone & TDR 4.0 Overlay Zone; 1989 Germantown Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request J. Server | |||||||||||||
MOVED FROM MARCH 6 AGENDA | Big Woods Manor, Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240050 and Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240910 Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the regulatory review period until June 26, 2025: Application to create two lots for a new single-family detached dwelling and retaining an existing single-family dwelling; located at 20925 Big Woods Road, Dickerson, MD; R-200 Zone, 1980 Agricultural and Rural Open Space Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request M. Clayborne | ||||||||||||
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionPlanning Director’s Report
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Item 5 | Spring 2025 Semiannual OutlineJ. Sartori/M. Figueredo | ||||||||||||
Item 7
ADDED | Legislative UpdateHB 1525 Municipalities – Annexation – Limitations (Vote to Support) D. Borden | ||||||||||||
Item 6 | Preliminary Plan No. 120250030 and Forest Conservation Plan No. F20250100: Ruby Senior Homes (Public Hearing)A. Preliminary Plan No. 120250030: Proposal to create one lot to develop a Residential Care Facility (over 16 persons) containing up to 120 beds located at 21908 Ruby Drive, Boyds; R-200 Zone; 4.66 Acres; 1994 Approved and Adopted Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Preliminary Plan with conditions. B. Forest Conservation Plan No. F20250100: Proposal to create one lot to develop a Residential Care Facility (over 16 persons) containing up to 120 beds located at 21908 Ruby Drive, Boyds; R-200 Zone; 4.66 Acres; 1994 Approved and Adopted Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Forest Conservation Plan with conditions. J. Penn | ||||||||||||
11:45 am | ADJOURN | ||||||||||||
PUBLIC NOTICE | |||||||||||||
Planning Board Seeks Public Comments on Three Administrative Sewer and Water Category Change Requests
The Planning Board will hear testimony and consider recommendations for the Water and Sewer Category Change Requests (WSSCR) listed below on Thursday, March 27, 2025. The applicants request that community water and/or sewer service be extended to these properties.
A public hearing for these administrative cases will be facilitated via telephone conference on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Planning Board recommendations for these cases will be presented to the County Executive before final decision.
The staff report for the water and sewer category change request will be posted on the Planning Board’s website one week prior to the meeting: https://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agendas/. Contact Jamey Pratt at 301-495-4588 or Jamey.Pratt@montgomeryplanning.org. See also DEP’s website www.montgomerycountymd.gov/waterworks or call 240-777-7700. Written comments are also welcomed if submitted at least 48 hours prior to the Planning Board Hearing. Emails or letter may be sent to: Chair Artie Harris Montgomery County Planning Board 2425 Reedie Drive 14th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902 mcp-chair@mncppc-mc.org
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REVISED: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 2:51PM