The Montgomery County Planning Board Agenda

Thursday, November 6, 2008



Last update: November 26, 2008 3:00 PM

8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3760

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Please note:

  1. Unless otherwise noted, Planning Board meetings are held on Thursdays and begin at 9 a.m. The agenda is subject to change and certain items may be postponed or added.
  2. The Planning Board encourages public testimony unless otherwise noted on the agenda. Written testimony is encouraged. Refer to the Planning Board Rules of Procedure for more information on public testimony.
  3. Occasionally due to time constraints, the Planning Board may limit the total amount of time dedicated to public testimony. Total time limits will be listed on the agenda.
  4. Sign up online or call 301-495-4600 to testify on any agenda item in advance of a hearing.
  5. Listen to the Planning Board proceedings live on our website: Or on Thursdays, call 301-495-1333 for a recorded message on the status of the agenda.
  6. The Planning Board makes the final decision on any agenda items with an (*). On such matters, Maryland law and the Planning Board’s Rules of Procedure prohibit any member of the public from directly contacting or communicating with Board members outside the public hearing setting. See the Outside Communications section of the Planning Board Rules of Procedure for more information.

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item *1 Adoption of Opinions/Resolutions
  Group A: Four Commissioners Eligible to Vote [Commissioners Hanson, Cryor, Alfandre, and Presley]

i) Eton Square limited Site Plan 82004033B, ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 08-136

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.


ii) Leaman Farm Preliminary Plan 12004060A, ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 08-137

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.


iii) Leaman Farm Site Plan 82005040A, ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 08-138

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

Item *2 Record Plats

Subdivision Plat No. 220081380 - 220081390, Baldwin Landing
R-90/TDR zone; 42 lots, 3 parcels; located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Yellowstone Way and Chieftain Avenue; Shady Grove
Staff recommendation: Approval

Planning Board Action/Decision: No vote taken.


Subdivision Plat No. 220071450 – 220071470, Clarksburg Village
R-200/TDR and R-200(MPDU) zones; 21 lots, 19 outlots, 2 parcels; located at the intersection of Granite Rock Road and Bent Arrow Drive; Clarksburg
Staff recommendation: Approval

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.


Item *3 Consent Items
Item 4 Board of Appeals No.: S-2735 (The Angels Garden Assisted Living)

R. Miller

Tanie Guirand and Pierre Guirand, applicant, special exception request for a Senior Group Home (increase from 8 to 15 beds), R-200 Zone; located at 4101 Bel Pre Road, Rockville

Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions

(Action required for hearing by Hearing Examiner on 11/14/08)

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved.

Item *5 Compliance Program Stage III - Clarksburg Town Center

R. Krasnow

C. Conlon

R. Kronenberg

Request to approve 194,720 gross square feet of commercial development, (incluiding up to 48,000 square feet of specialty retail within live/work units); and 1,213 residential dwelling units, including 152 MPDUs, and a waiver to permit a reduction of parking spaces for the west side; on approximately 270 acres. Located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection with Clarksburg Road and Snowden Farm Parkway in the Clarksburg Master Plan

A. Project Plan Amendment No. 81994004B - Clarksburg Town Center

B. Final Water Quality Plan No. 820070220, and Preliminary Plan No. 11995042B - Clarksburg Town Center

C. Site Plan Review No. 820070220 - Clarksburg Town Center



Staff Report Appendix A Appendix B

Appendix C

Corrected Exhibit-Supplemental Parking Analysis- ADDED

Appendix D Appendix E
Appendix F Appendix H Appendix I


Appendices (List)


Appendix G

Part 1

Community correspondence

Area Properties

Street Sense 1

RCLCO Project Audit CTC 3/15/07

Part 2

Gibbs Report January 2008

RCLCO Full Report CTC 3/13/07

RFP Pages

RFP Distribution List

Part 3

Saul Centers Proposal

Street Scene Brochure


Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions

Planning Board Action/Decision: Approved with conditions and modifications.

12:00 PM LUNCH
D. Hertz Pursuant to Maryland Annotated Code, State Government Article, Section 10-508(a)(14), To discuss a matter directly related to the contents of a bid or proposal
Item *5 Compliance Program Stage III - Clarksburg Town Center (Continued)

R. Krasnow

C. Conlon

R. Kronenberg

(Continued from morning session)

Request to approve 194,720 gross square feet of commercial development, (incluiding up to 48,000 square feet of specialty retail within live/work units); and 1,213 residential dwelling units, including 152 MPDUs, and a waiver to permit a reduction of parking spaces for the west side; on approximately 270 acres. Located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection with Clarksburg Road and Snowden Farm Parkway in the Clarksburg Master Plan

A. Project Plan Amendment No. 81994004B - Clarksburg Town Center

B. Final Water Quality Plan No. 820070220, and Preliminary Plan No. 11995042B - Clarksburg Town Center

C. Site Plan Review No. 820070220 - Clarksburg Town Center


Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions

Item 6 Roundtable Discussion

(No public testimony will be taken at this time)

A. Commissioners’ Report
B. Approval of Minutes
C. Director’s Report
D. County Council Activity