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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / February 21, 2019


REVISED: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 12:27PM
Item 1

Consent Agenda

*A. Adoption of Resolutions

1. Checkers Restaurant Site Plan 820180210 – MCPB No. 19-004

*B. Record Plats

Subdivision Plat No. 220180830, Highland Park
CR zone, 1 lot; located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue (MD 355) and Montgomery Avenue (MD 410); Bethesda Downtown Master Plan.

Staff Recommendation: Approval

*C. Other Consent Items


Bethesda Market, Sketch Plan No. 320190030, Extension Request No. 2

CR 3.0 C 3.0 R 2.75 H 35, CR 3.0 C 3.0 R 2.75 H 175, CRT 0.5 C 0.25 R 0.5 H 70, CR 3.0 C 2.0 R 2.75 H 90, CR 3.0 C 3.0 R 2.75 H 225, and CR 3.0 C 3.0 R 2.75 H 200 zones and the Bethesda Overlay zone, 6.32 acres, Second request to extend review of up to 692,500 square feet of total development, with up to 650,000 square feet of multi-family residential uses with 15 percent MPDUs, 42,500 square of non-residential, and a request of density from the Bethesda Overlay Zone; located at the intersection of Wisconsin Ave and Bethesda Ave and Willow Lane, 46th Street and Leland Street; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

S. Dickel

Viasat: Site Plan Amendment No. 82018011A

Amendment to remove a vehicle drop-off lane, adjust pedestrian circulation between the parking garage and building, relocate the trash enclosure, adjust the multi-use trail route and minor landscaping and lighting adjustments; on approximately 5.8 acres; CR 0.75, C-0.5 R-0.5 H-145T and Germantown Transit Mixed Use Overlay Zone, but reviewed under the TMX-2 zone; 2009 Germantown Employment Area Master Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Site Plan Amendment

B. Berbert

*D. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of February 7, 2019

Item 2

Roundtable Discussion

Planning Director’s Report


Item 3

Spring 2019 Semiannual Outline Presentation

G. Wright/M. Riley

Item 4

Warrior One Yoga: CU-19-06

Request to approve a Conditional Use for a major home occupation to operate a yoga studio in the R-200 zone, located at 12632 Falconbridge Drive, (North Potomac), Gaithersburg, MD 20866, within the Potomac Subregion Master Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Planning Board recommendation)

P. Estes 

Item 5

Planning Board Briefing on the DRAFT Planning Board Guidelines for Burial Sites and Inventory of Burial Sites

Staff Recommendation: Review the DRAFT Planning Board Guidelines for Burial Sites and Inventory of Burial Sites and provide comments for staff.

B. Crane

Item 6

Zoning Text Amendment No. 19-02: Clinics – Limited Use in Residential Zones

ZTA 19-02 amends the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance to allow medical and dental clinics as a limited use in Residential Zones and establish standards for medical and dental clinics as a limited use in Residential zones.
Staff Recommendation: Transmit Comments to County Council.
(Action required for County Council public hearing of 2/26/19)

G. Russ 

11:45 am