Item 1 | Preliminary Matters |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
1. The Blairs – Site Plan No. 82014017C – MCPB No. 25-008 | |
2. Montgomery Auto Sales Park Lots 17 & 18: Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11985027B – MCPB No. 25-017 | |
3. Montgomery Auto Sales Park Lot 18: Site Plan Amendment No. 82014014A -MCPB No. 25-018 | |
4. Montgomery Auto Sales Park Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240980 – MCPB No. 25 -019 | |
*B. Approval of Minutes | |
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |
Appointment of Planning Board Vice-Chair | |
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) |
Subdivision Plat No. 220240620 & 220240670 Ashford Woods R-90 zone; 49 lots,14 parcels; located on the west side of Frederick Road (MD 355) at the intersection of Snowden Farm Parkway; Clarksburg Ten Mile Creek Amendment Area. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) |
National Park Seminary: Preliminary Plan 12005054A, Site Plan 820200050 & Forest Conservation Plan 82005024H, Regulatory Extension Request No. 3Request to extend regulatory review period, from February 27, 2025, to October 23, 2025, for three applications to revise the layout of the proposed townhouses, condominium building, parking, and address associated impacts to forest retention areas; located 740 Feet North of the intersection of Smith Drive and Linden Lane; PD-15 zone; 4.23 acres; 2000 North and West Silver Spring Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Extension M. Fuster | |
Garrett Park Administrative Subdivision No. 620240230 Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the regulatory review period until April 17, 2025: Application to create two residential lots for the construction of one new single-family detached dwelling unit; located at 10701 Keswick Street, Garrett Park, MD; R-90 Zone; 1.38 acres; 1992 North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan. Staff recommendation: Approval of the extension request. E. Fowler | |
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionPlanning Director’s Report
Item 8
ADDED | Legislative Update1. HB 0080/SB 0190 Land Use – Transit-Oriented Development – Alterations (Chair: EnT/Dept. of Transportation) (Informational Position Statement) 2. HB 0084/SB 0395 Transportation – Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025) (Del. Edelson) (Informational Position Statement) 3. SB 0058 Parental Engagement Leave (Informational Position Statement) 4. MC/PG 116-25 Montgomery County – Municipal Authority to Regulate Structures – Alterations (Delegates Solomon, Kaufman, Korman, Shetty, Wolek, and Woorman and Senators Love and Waldstreicher) (Draft Only/Vote) 5. MC 15-25 Department of Commerce – Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve Study (Delegates Qi, Foley, Fraser-Hidalgo, Kaiser, Wu, and Ziegler and Senator Feldman) (Discussion/No Position Statement) D. Borden
Item 5 | 2024 Bethesda Annual Monitoring ReportAnnual briefing on implementation of the Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan, including updates on schools, parks, and transportation. Item 5 – Attachment G. Bodgan |
Item 6 | Falkland North, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12007056C (Public Hearing)Request to extend the validity period for the approved Preliminary Plan from March 1, 2025, to October 28, 2029, and to amend the adequate public facilities phasing schedule. On 9.77 acres, located at the northeast quadrant of the intersection of 16th Street and East-West Highway, Silver Spring; zoned CR-3.0, C-3.0, R-3.0, H-175’ and Downtown Silver Spring Overlay Zone; 2022 Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Item 6 – Attachment A. Bossi |
Item 7 | Proposed Zoning Text Amendment for the Bethesda Overlay Zone (Public Testimony Accepted)This ZTA would amend the Bethesda Overlay Zone consistent with the recommendations in the Bethesda Downtown Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment. Staff Recommendation: Transmit the draft ZTA the District Council for introduction. B. Berbert |
11:15 am | ADJOURN |
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