9:00 am | PLANNING BOARD MEETING | ||||||||||||
Item 1 | Preliminary Matters | ||||||||||||
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |||||||||||||
*B. Approval of Minutes | |||||||||||||
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |||||||||||||
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) | ||||||||||||
Subdivision Plat No. 220250300, Wickford R-90 zone; 2 lots; located on the north side of Waycroft Way at its western terminus; North Bethesda – Garrett Park Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |||||||||||||
Subdivision Plat No. 220250430, Blair, Section 1 CR zone; 1 lot; located on the north side of Gist Avenue, 250 feet west of Fenton Street; Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |||||||||||||
Subdivision Plat No. 220250440, Rock Creek Palisades, Section 2 R-60 zone; 1 lot; located on the north side of Lawrence Avenue, 650 feet west of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185); Kensington – Wheaton Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |||||||||||||
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) | ||||||||||||
Fraley Farm (East), Preliminary Plan No. 120240080: Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 3Request to extend the regulatory review period until January 8, 2026. Application to subdivide the property to create 11 single-family lots and associated HOA parcels; East Quadrant, intersection of Griffith Farm Road and Hayloft Drive, 46 acres; RE-2 zone; 2004 Upper Rock Creek Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request P. Estes
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Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report
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Item 5 | University Boulevard Corridor PlanWork Session Work Session 1 for the University Boulevard Corridor Plan Staff recommendation: Discuss the University Boulevard Corridor Plan and provide guidance to staff. Z. Adrianvala | ||||||||||||
Item 6 | Update to the Locational Atlas & Index of Historic Sites in Montgomery CountyPublic hearing, worksession, and action to remove the Charles M. King Farm (M: 10-40), including 25020 King’s Valley Road, 24950 Stringtown Road, 24940 Stringtown Road, Parcel 577P, and part of the Little Bennett Stream Valley Park, Damascus, from the Locational Atlas & Index of Historic Sites or recommend its designation in the Master Plan for Historic Preservation to the County Council. Staff recommendation: Remove the Charles M. King Farm (M: 10-40), Damascus, from the Locational Atlas & Index of Historic Sites. S. Bolliger | ||||||||||||
Item 12
ADDED | Proposed Zoning Text Amendment for the Bethesda Overlay ZoneThis ZTA amends the Bethesda (B) Overlay Zone, consistent with the recommendations in the Bethesda Downtown Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment. Staff recommendation: Transmit comments to the District Council. B. Berbert | ||||||||||||
12:35 pm | LUNCH | ||||||||||||
Item 7 | Briefing: MD 190 Needs Analysis (Public Testimony Accepted)The Planning Board will receive a briefing about the MD 190 (River Road) Needs Analysis conducted by the State Highway Administration. The analysis provides a roadmap to deliver improvements based on SHA’s Context Driven – Access & Mobility for All Users 1.0 between Springfield Drive and Little Falls Parkway. Staff Recommendation: Transmit Comments to the State Highway Administration R. Brockmyer | ||||||||||||
Item 8 | Darnestown Meadows, Administrative Subdivision No. 620240110 with Subdivision Waiver & Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240520 (Public Hearing)A. Administrative Subdivision No. 620240110 – Application to create two (2) lots for one (1) new single-family detached dwelling unit and one (1) existing religious assembly with a Subdivision Waiver of the unplatted parcel requirement in Section 50.6.1.A; 15575 Germantown Road; RC zone; 12.93 Acres; 2002 Potomac Subregion Master Plan. B. Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240520 – Request for approval of a Final Forest Conservation Plan to satisfy requirements associated with Administrative Subdivision Plan No.620240110. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions U. Njeze | ||||||||||||
Item 9 | Black Hill Townes: Project Plan Amendment No. 92012004C, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12012021D, Site Plan No. 820240100, Forest Conservation Plan Amendment No. F20240570 (Public Hearing)Project Plan Amendment No. 92012004C – Request to remove 54.12 acres of undeveloped land from the Project Plan area; located west of I-270 along Century Boulevard and Crystal Rock Drive; CR-0.75, C-0.5, R-0.5, H-145T; Germantown Transit Mixed-Use Overlay Zone; 107.7 acres; 2009 Germantown Employment Area Sector Plan. A. Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12012021D – Request to create one (1) 5.74-acre lot for 69 townhouse units; located west of I-270 along Century Boulevard and Crystal Rock Drive; CR-0.75, C-0.5, R-0.5, H-145T; Germantown Transit Mixed-Use Overlay Zone; 107.7 acres; 2009 Germantown Employment Area Sector Plan. B. Site Plan No. 820240100 – Request to construct 69 townhouse units (including 12.5% MPDUs), common open space areas, natural surface trail, and other site related improvements; located west of I-270 along Century Boulevard and Crystal Rock Drive; CR-0.75, C-0.5, R-0.5, H-145T; Germantown Transit Mixed-Use Overlay Zone; 5.74 acres; 2009 Germantown Employment Area Sector Plan. C.Forest Conservation Plan Amendment No. F20240570 – Request for approval of a Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan to satisfy afforestation/reforestation requirements associated with Site Plan No. 820240100. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Item 9 – Attachment A – Previous Approvals Item 9 – Attachment B – Project, Preliminary, and Site Plans Item 9 – Attachment C – Forest Conservation Plan Item 9 – Attachment D – Agency Letters Item 9 – Attachment E – Affidavit of Community Meeting and Minutes P. Estes/S. Pereira | ||||||||||||
Item 10 | County Executive’s proposed FY26 Operating BudgetBudget Overview
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Item 11 | Master Plan of Highways and Transitways – 2024 Technical Update – Work Session #3Work session #3 will be held for the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways. Staff Recommendation: Discuss Public Hearing comments and provide direction to staff. S. Aldrich | ||||||||||||
6:10 pm | ADJOURN | ||||||||||||
PUBLIC NOTICE | |||||||||||||
Planning Board Seeks Public Comments on Three Administrative Sewer and Water Category Change Requests
The Planning Board will hear testimony and consider recommendations for the Water and Sewer Category Change Requests (WSSCR) listed below on Thursday, March 27, 2025. The applicants request that community water and/or sewer service be extended to these properties.
A public hearing for these administrative cases will be facilitated via telephone conference on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Planning Board recommendations for these cases will be presented to the County Executive before final decision.
The staff report for the water and sewer category change request will be posted on the Planning Board’s website one week prior to the meeting: https://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agendas/. Contact Jamey Pratt at 301-495-4588 or Jamey.Pratt@montgomeryplanning.org. See also DEP’s website www.montgomerycountymd.gov/waterworks or call 240-777-7700. Written comments are also welcomed if submitted at least 48 hours prior to the Planning Board Hearing. Emails or letter may be sent to: Chair Artie Harris Montgomery County Planning Board 2425 Reedie Drive 14th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902 mcp-chair@mncppc-mc.org
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REVISED: Friday, March 7, 2025 - 12:46PM