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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / November 9, 2023


REVISED: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 6:48PM
9:00 am


Item 1

Preliminary Matters

*A. Adoption of Resolutions

1. Axcobar Tree Expects – Forest Conservation Plan No. F20230310 – MCPB 23-109

*B. Approval of Minutes

1. Minutes for October 5 and October 10, 2023

2. Closed Session minutes for October 5 and October 10, 2023

*C. Other Preliminary Matters

Bethesda Design Advisory Panel Committee Appointment of Panel Members

Appoint new Design Advisory Panel member John Tschiderer, representative for the development community in Bethesda, for a term of three years from November 2023 to November 2026.
Staff Recommendation: Approve Appointment

G. Bodgan


Designation of Commissioner Shawn Bartley to serve on the Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee

A. Harris

Item 2

Record Plats (Public Hearing)

Item 3

Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing)

Item 4

Roundtable Discussion

Planning Director’s Report


Item 5

Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment Historic Preservation Worksession

Item 5: Attachment A – TPMMA Appendix E Historic Preservation

Item 5: Attachment B – HPC Letter Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Comments

Item 5: Attachment C – TPMMA Community History Narrative Draft

R. Ballo

Item 7

Loehmann’s Plaza, Sketch Plan No. 320230050 (Public Hearing)

Proposed infill development with up to 710,000 square feet of residential uses and up to 40,000 square feet of commercial uses for a cumulative density of up to 750,000 square feet of mixed-use development, with 15% Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs), open space, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and associated public benefits to support incentive density; The Overall Site is an existing strip shopping center with surface parking and a pad site on 9.74-acres of land; Located at 5200 Randolph Road at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Randolph Road with Parklawn Drive and west of Putnam Road; Commercial Residential (CR–1.75, C–0.5, R–1.5, H–75) Zone; within the Randolph Hills District of the 2018 White Flint II Sector Plan area.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

T. Graham

Item 6

White Oak Self Storage: Sketch Plan 320230040, Site Plan 820230100 and Forest Conservation Plan F20230330 (Public Hearing)

A. Sketch Plan 320230040
B. Site Plan 820230100
C. Forest Conservation Plan F20230330

CRTF-2.25, C-2.25, R-1.5, H-200’; 113,650 square feet; located on New Hampshire Avenue, 500 feet south of Lockwood Drive; 2014 White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan.

A. Sketch Plan 320230040: Request to expand the existing self-storage facility with an addition and architectural improvements at the front of the existing building totaling 3,600 square feet, and a new 5-story 116,000-square-foot self-storage building at the rear of the Property, for a total of 234,800 square feet of self-storage development.
B. Site Plan 820230100: Request to expand the existing self-storage facility with an addition and architectural improvements at the front of the existing building totaling 3,600 square feet, and a new 5-story 116,000-square-foot self-storage building at the rear of the Property, for a total of 234,800 square feet of self-storage development.
C. Forest Conservation Plan F20230330: Request for approval of a Final Forest Conservation Plan to allow for the development of the Subject Property under the CRTF zone.

Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

C. Sanders/M. Folden/P. Smith


12:40 pm


Item 10



According to MD ANN Code, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b)(3), to consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related to the acquisition. Topic to be discussed: East Capital Crescent Urban Recreational Park

B. Sandberg/A. Fothergill

Item 11


According to the MD Ann Code, General Provisions Article, § 3-305(b)(1), to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom it has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals.
Topic to be discussed: Parks Director Position

2:10 pm


Item 8

Greencastle Elementary School Addition (MCPS): Mandatory Referral MR2024001 (Public Hearing)

Request for input on an addition on the front of Greencastle Elementary School located at 13611 Robey Rd, Silver Spring; 11.9 Acres; R-30 Zone; 1997 Fairland Master Plan

Staff Recommendation: Approval to transmit comments to MCPS

J. Penn

Item 9

Olney Theatre Center (Public Hearing)

A. Site Plan Amendment No. 82001022E
Request to reconfigure the square footages of the approved theater buildings and installation of geothermal wells in the parking lot; located at 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd; Planned Cultural Center Zone (PCC); 10.6 acres; 2005 Olney Master Plan.

B. Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F2023004A
Request for approval for minor impacts to critical root zones of specimen trees as a result of altered stormwater management facilities; located at 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd; Planned Cultural Center Zone (PCC); 10.6 acres; 2005 Olney Master Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

A. Duprey

2:40 pm


3:10 pm