Item 1 | Preliminary Matters |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
1. ELP Bethesda at Rock Spring, Site Plan No. 820240130 – MCPB No. 24-102 | |
2. ELP Bethesda at Rock Spring, Site Plan Amendment No. 82022012A – MCPB No. 24-103 | |
3. ELP Bethesda at Rock Spring, Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240740 – MCPB No. 24-104 | |
4. Kirk Farm Pre-preliminary Plan No 720240020 – MCPB No. 24-108 | |
*B. Approval of Minutes | |
Minutes for October 31, November 7, and November 14, 2024 | |
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |
Bethesda Design Advisory Panel AppointmentG. Bogdan | |
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) |
Subdivision Plat No. 220250220, Woodhaven R-90 zone, 1 lot; located on the north side of Thoreau Drive, 200 feet west of Whittier Boulevard; Bethesda-Chevy Chase Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |
Subdivision Plat No.220250200, Silver Spring Music Hall CR zone, 2 lots; located on the east side of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), 275 feet north of Colesville Road (US 29); Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval | |
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) |
16998 Overhill Road: Preliminary Plan No.120240060 – Regulatory Extension Request No. 4Request to extend the regulatory review period until January 9, 2025; Application to create one lot for an independent living facility; located at 16998 Overhill Road, south of the Intercounty Connector (ICC)/MD 200, approximately 400 feet east of Redland Road, RE-1 zone, 3.78 acres, 2004 Upper Rock Creek Area Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request until January 9, 2025. K. Mencarini | |
Clarksburg Chase, Preliminary Plan No. 120240040, Site Plan No. 820240050 and Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240180, Extension Request No. 5Request to extend the regulatory review period until January 9, 2025. An application for 101 dwelling units (49 single-family units and 52 townhouses); Located at 22600 Clarksburg Road, Northwest quadrant of the intersection of Gosnell Farm Drive and Clarksburg Road; 136.18 acres, RNC zone and Clarksburg West Environmental Overlay zone, 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area and the 2014 Ten Mile Creek Area Limited Amendment. Staff Recommendation: Approval of extension request K. Mencarini
| |
ADDED | Addition to Glen Hills, Section 3, Preliminary Plan No. 120240150, and Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240220 Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the regulatory review period until February 13, 2025: Application to create four lots for new single-family detached units; located at 12631 Circle Drive, Rockville, MD 20850; RE-1 Zone, 2002 Potomac Subregion Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request M. Clayborne |
Item 4 | Briefing on Comsat Adaptive Reuse Financial Feasibility Study and Adaptive Reuse Case Studies in support of the Clarksburg Gateway Sector PlanThe Comsat Adaptive Reuse Study analyzes the residual land value of three development scenarios including adaptive reuse for the Comsat site in Clarksburg, and the Case Studies summarize projects that have adaptively reused historic sites for mixed use redevelopment around the country. Staff Recommendation: Brief the Planning Board Item 4 – Attachment – Clarksburg Adaptive Reuse Feasibility Report Item 4 – Attachment – Clarksburg Adaptive Reuse Case Studies P. Butler |
Item 6 |
Item 7 | Loehmann’s Plaza, Preliminary Plan No. 120240100, Site Plan No. 820240120, and Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240680 (Public Hearing)The Overall Site is an existing strip shopping center with surface parking and a pad site on 9.74-acres of land; Located at 5200 Randolph Road at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Randolph Road with Parklawn Drive and west of Putnam Road; Commercial Residential (CR–1.75, C–0.5, R–1.5, H–75) Zone; within the Randolph Hills District of the 2018 White Flint II Sector Plan area. A. Subdivision No. 120240100Request approval to subdivide the existing one (1) lot shopping center into four (4) lots for up to 710,000 square feet of residential uses and up to 40,000 square feet of commercial uses and five (5) parcels for public and private roadways and open space. B. Site Plan No. 820240120Proposed infill development with up to 710,000 square feet of residential uses and up to 40,000 square feet of commercial uses for a cumulative density of up to 750,000 square feet of mixed-use development, with 15% Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs), open space, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and associated public benefits to support incentive density. C. Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240680Proposed contribution to an offsite mitigation bank to meet the afforestation planting requirement for the mixed-use development. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions T. Graham |
12:15 pm | LUNCH |
Item 8 | Brief the Planning Board on the Development Review Process Workgroup recommendationsThe Development Review Process Workgroup (DRPW) provided recommendations to the MD Delegation in October 2023 and Planning has made significant process in implementing these recommendations. The briefing is to provide the Planning Board an update on the actions taken to implement the DRPW recommendations. R. Kronenberg/C. Sorrento |
Item 9 |
Item 10 | Approval of FY26 Operating Budget including Enterprise, SRF, ISF – Planning, CAS, Commissioners’ Office, ParksJ. Sartori/T. Charles/I. Branda/N. Steen |
3:30 pm | ADJOURN |
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REVISED: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 9:19AM