Item 1 | Consent Agenda |
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |
Approved | 1. Regulatory Application Refunds and Fees – MCPB No. 18-075 |
*B. Record Plats | |
Approved | Subdivision Plat No. 220170020 – 220170090, 220170110, 220170140, Cabin Branch Staff Recommendation: Approval |
Approved | Subdivision Plat No. 220180570, Spring Garden Estates Staff Recommendation: Approval |
*C. Other Consent Items
| |
Approved | Bethesda North Marriott, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12000087C and Site Plan Amendment No. 82000040FRequest for Preliminary Plan and Site Plan Amendments to allow for the conversion of lounge area into five new hotel guest rooms to increase the total number of hotel rooms from 450 to 455. The proposal does not include additional gross floor area (GFA), the modifications are internal, no external changes are proposed; located at the northwest quadrant of the Rockville Pike (MD 355) and Marinelli Road intersection, Bethesda; on approximately 4.70 acres of land zoned CR-4.0, C-2.0, R-3.5, H-250’; 2012 White Flint Sector Plan area. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution L. Shirley |
ADDED | Extension of Preliminary Plan No. 120180120: Cabin John VillageRequest to extend the regulatory review period by three months to October 18, 2018; to subdivide the Subject Property into fifty-nine (59) lots for 59 townhouses and three (3) platted parcels for 300,000 square feet of retail/office uses (240,915 sq. ft. already existing) from three (3) platted parcels and one (1) unplatted parcel; located on the northeast corner of Seven Locks Road and Tuckerman Lane, 25.32 acres, CRT-0.75, C-0.5, R-0.25, H-35 and R-90, Zone, 2002 Potomac Master Plan. R. Sigworth |
ADDED | Ashton Market: Preliminary Plan No. 120180180 and Site Plan No. 820180160A. Ashton Market: Preliminary Plan No. 120180180: Requesting to extend the regulatory review period for an additional 60 days until 10/20/2018; An application to create 20 lots for 20 townhouses, and one lot for a mixed-use building with 3 multi-family units and up to 6,800 square feet of restaurant space, including 12.5 percent MPDUs, located on Porter Road at its intersection with Olney Sandy Spring Road (MD 108); 3.04 acres, TF zone, CRT-0.75, C-0.75, R-0.25, H-35 zone & the Sandy Spring/Ashton Rural Village Overlay zone; Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions |
*D. Approval of Minutes | |
Approved | Minutes of June 28, 2018 |
Item 2
Discussion | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report |
Item 3
Discussion | A Strategic Plan for the Montgomery Parks’ Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) SystemH. Symes |
Item *4
Approved with conditions | 4 Bethesda Metro, Sketch Plan No. 320180110CR 8.0 C 6.0 R 7.5 H 290 zone. CR 8.0 C 6.0 R 7.5 H 210 zone, and the Bethesda Overlay Zone, 3.48 acres, Request for a total development of 1,092,242 square feet, including a maximum of 500,000 square feet of new development; located on Wisconsin Avenue at the southwestern intersection with Old Georgetown Road; Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. ATTACHMENT A; ATTACHMENT B; ATTACHMENT C; ATTACHMENT D; ATTACHMENT E; ATTACHMENT F; ATTACHMENT G; ATTACHMENT H; ATTACHMENT I S. Dickel |
12:30 pm | LUNCH |
Item *5 Approved | 7607 Old Georgetown Road, Sketch Plan No. 320180160CR 5.0 C 5.0 R 4.75 H 225 zone and the Bethesda Overlay zone, 0.44 acres, Request for 228,000 square feet of total development, with up to 225,000 square feet (200 units) of multi-family residential uses with 15 percent MPDUs and up to 3,000 square feet from the Bethesda Overlay Zone; located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Old Georgetown Road and Commerce Lane; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. G. Bogdan |
Item *6 Approved | Brooke Park, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12010003AR-30 zone, 1.07 acres, Request to renovate the existing multi-family building, parking and circulation; located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection with MacArthur Boulevard and Sangamore Road; Bethesda Chevy-Chase Master Plan. K. Reilly |
Item *7
Approved with conditions | ZOM BethesdaA. Preliminary Plan No. 120180140, ZOM Bethesda, CR 2.25, C 0.5, R 2.25, H 60’, CR 2.0, C 0.25, R 2.0, H 60’, CR 1.0, C 0.25, R 1.0, H 60’ and the Bethesda Overlay zones, 1.85 acres, Proposal to create one lot for 257,675 square feet of residential development, including up to 235 multi-family dwelling units containing 15% MPDUs, and 172,708 square feet of density allocated from the Bethesda Overlay Zone (BOZ); located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Moorland Lane and Arlington Road; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. B. Site Plan No. 820180120, ZOM Bethesda, CR 2.25, C 0.5, R 2.25, H 60’, CR 2.0, C 0.25, R 2.0, H 60’, CR 1.0, C 0.25, R 1.0, H 60’ and the Bethesda Overlay zones, 1.85 acres, Proposal to create one lot for 257,675 square feet of residential development, including up to 235 multi-family dwelling units containing 15% MPDUs, and 172,708 square feet of density allocated from the Bethesda Overlay Zone (BOZ); located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Moorland Lane and Arlington Road; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. M. Folden |
Item 10 Approved | Grosvenor-Strathmore WMATA Garage Expansion, Mandatory Referral No. MR2018026 and Amend Final Forest Conservation Plan No. MR2000201Request to construct an expansion to the Grosvenor-Strathmore WMATA garage, reconfigure the Kiss & Ride and Arts Walk at the Metro site, and to amend the Final Forest Conservation Plan, including the associated variance; located at 10300 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD 20852; on approximately 14.58 acres zoned CR 3.0, C-0.5, R-2.75, H-300; within the 2018 Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Area Minor Master Plan area. M. Hill |
Item *9 Approved | 4900 Nicholson Court, Site Plan 820180150Request for approval to construct a 134,922 square foot self-storage building; located at 4900 Nicholson Court; on approximately 3.10 acres of land zoned IL-1.0; within the 2018 White Flint 2 Sector Plan area. J. McVary |
Item 8 Approved | White Flint Substation 229, Mandatory Referral No. MR2018008Request to construct a 31,000 square foot Pepco substation and related landscape, hardscape, vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian improvements; located at the southwest corner of Nebel Street and Marinelli Road; on approximately 62,700 square feet of land zoned CR-3.0, C-1.5, R-2.5, H-200; within the 2010 White Flint Sector Plan area. T. Leftwich |
5:10 pm | DINNER |
Item 11 Discussion | Local Area Transportation Review (LATR) Pedestrian Adequacy Test Technical GuidanceReview proposed technical guidance designed to improve the implementation of ADA non-compliance pedestrian adequacy test procedures in urbanized areas of the County. E. Graye |
Item 12 Approved | Zoning Text Amendment No. 18-06, MPDU- Bonus DensityZTA 18-06 amends the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance to revise or establish Moderately-Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) density bonus standards for certain Residential, Commercial/Residential, Employment, and Overlay zones. G. Russ |
Item *13 Approved | Black Hill: Project Plan Amendment No. 92012004B, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12012021B, Infrastructure Site Plan Amendment No. 82013025E;ViaSat: Site Plan No. 820180110A. Black Hill: Project Plan No. 92012004B Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolutions B. Berbert |
Item *14 | Avalon Residential: Preliminary Plan No. 120180110Request for 50 lots for 16 attached and 34 detached dwelling units, including 16% MPDUs; located at 22821 Frederick Road, approximately 600 feet north of the intersection of Frederick Road (MD 355) and Shawnee Lane; identified as parcels P765, P770, and P801 on Tax Map EW-341; 10.28 acres; TF-5; 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area. J. Pratt |
9:00 pm | ADJOURN |
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