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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / November 1, 2018


REVISED: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 10:56AM
Item 1

Consent Agenda

*A. Adoption of Resolutions

*B. Record Plats


Subdivision Plat No. 220190030, Old Georgetown Estates
R-200 zone, 3 lots; located on the north side of Tilden Lane, 590 feet west of Danville Drive; North Bethesda-Garrett Park Master Plan.

Staff Recommendation: Approval

*C. Other Consent Items



The French International School, Preliminary Plan No. 12002079B

R-60, 11.2 net acres, Request to extend the review period for one lot for a private educational institution, located at 9650 Rockville Pike; 1990 Bethesda-Chevy Chase Master Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of Extension
K. Reilly


Adoption of Corrected Resolution for Preliminary Plan No. 120180030, MCPB No. 18-065, Bannockburn – 7009 Wilson Lane

*D. Approval of Minutes


Minutes of October 18, 2018

Item 2


Roundtable Discussion

Parks Director’s Report

Item 10


Increase in admission fees at the National Capital Trolley Museum

Request from the National Capital Trolley Museum to increase its admission fees due to increases in various expenses.

Staff Recommendation: Approve the Museum’s request for an increase in the admission fees

L. Lewis/D.Tobin

Item *3


8787 Georgia Avenue

A. Preliminary Plan No. 120180100, 8787 Georgia Avenue, CR 3.0, C 2.0, R 2.75, H 90T, 3.19 net acres, Proposal to create one lot for a mixed-use development for up to 413,821 square feet of residential uses (up to 400 units) and up to 32,000 square feet of non-residential uses, located in the eastern quadrant of the intersection with Georgia Avenue and Spring Street; 2000 Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution
B. Site Plan No. 820180100, 8787 Georgia Avenue, CR 3.0, C 2.0, R 2.75, H 90T, 3.19 net acres, Proposal to create one lot for a mixed-use development for up to 413,821 square feet of residential uses (up to 400 units) and up to 32,000 square feet of non-residential uses, located in the eastern quadrant of the intersection with Georgia Avenue and Spring Street; 2000 Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution


M. Folden

Item *4


Ashton Market: Preliminary Plan No. 120180180 and Site Plan No. 820180160

A.  Ashton Market: Preliminary Plan No. 120180180: Application to create 20 lots for 20 townhouses, and one lot for a mixed-use building with 3 apartments and up to 6,800 square feet of restaurant space, including 12.5 percent MPDUs, located on Porter Road at its intersection with Olney Sandy Spring Road (MD 108); 3.04 acres, TF zone, CRT-0.75, C-0.75, R-0.25, H-35 zone & the Sandy Spring/Ashton Rural Village Overlay zone; Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan.
B. Ashton Market: Site Plan No. 820180160: Application to construct 20 townhouses, and a mixed-use building with 3 apartments and a 6,800 square foot restaurant, including 12.5 percent MPDUs, located on Porter Road at its intersection with Olney Sandy Spring Road (MD 108); 3.04 acres, TF zone, CRT-0.75, C-0.75, R-0.25, H-35 zone & the Sandy Spring/Ashton Rural Village Overlay zone; Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

J. Casey

Item 5

FY20 Budget Discussion Follow-up

A. Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO)

B. Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Positions

C. Wheaton Headquarters OBI – Auditorium Audio/Visual (A/V) System

D. Planning Department Operating Budget

J. Kroll

12:45 pm




Item *6

First National Bank – Germantown: Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11985200A and Site Plan No. 820180140

A.  First National Bank – Germantown: Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11985200A: Application to replace an existing restaurant use with a 3,270 square foot bank with a drive-thru; 0.70 acres; GR-1.5 H-45 Zone; located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Germantown Road and Crystal Rock Drive; 2009 Germantown Sector Plan.
B.  First National Bank – Germantown: Site Plan No. 820180140 : Request to replace an existing Pizza Hut restaurant with a 3,270 square foot bank with a drive-thru; 0.70 acres; GR-1.5 H-45 Zone; located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Germantown Road and Crystal Rock Drive; 2009 Germantown Sector Plan.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

A. Gonzalez 

Item 7

MARC Rail Communities Sector Plan—Worksession 8

Review the Renew Section of the MARC Rail Communities Sector Plan based on the traffic modeling findings presented at Worksession 7.

R. Duke 

Item 8

Forest Conservation Regulation Amendment – Worksession

M. Pfefferle

Item 9

Local Area Transportation Review (LATR) Pedestrian Adequacy Test Technical Guidance 

This is a continuation of the Planning Board’s 7/19/18 discussion of this item. Review proposed technical guidance designed to improve the implementation of ADA non-compliance pedestrian adequacy test procedures in urbanized areas of the County. 
Staff Recommendation: Approve proposed technical guidance for incorporation into the 2017 LATR Guidelines.

E. Graye

5:00 pm