10:30 am | PLANNING BOARD MEETING | |||||||||||||||
Item 1 | Preliminary Matters | |||||||||||||||
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | ||||||||||||||||
*B. Approval of Minutes | ||||||||||||||||
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | ||||||||||||||||
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) | |||||||||||||||
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) | |||||||||||||||
Glenmont Metro Center, 820210180, 82015012D, and 12013008B, Regulatory Extension Request #4Request to extend the regulatory review period for Site Plan No. 820210180, Site Plan Amendment 82015012D, and Preliminary Plan Amendment 12013008B from Staff recommendation: approval of the extension request. P. Smith | ||||||||||||||||
Sketch Plan No. 320220100 & Preliminary Plan No. 120220140, Federal Plaza West, Regulatory Extension Request No. 3Request to extend the regulatory review period from March 9, 2023 to April 27, 2023; The Applications propose to redevelop a surface parking lot and vacant commercial development into a mixed-use development with up to 500 residential units and 108,965 square feet of commercial development; On approximately 6.52 acres zoned CRT-2.25 C-0.75 R-1.5 H-150; Within the 2018 White Flint 2 Sector Plan area. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Extension Request A. Lindsey | ||||||||||||||||
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionPlanning Director’s Report | |||||||||||||||
Item 10
ADDED | 7340 Wisconsin Avenue, Sketch Plan Amendment No. 32020001A, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11994080C, and Site Plan No. 820230010 (Continued Public Hearing – Request to Set Hearing Date of March 23, 2023)A. Sketch Plan No. 32020001A – Request to amend previous approved uses senior living and commercial to multi-family residential and commercial, to redistribute density between uses, to revise the public benefit schedule, and to revise plans to reflect an updated design; located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hampden Lane and Wisconsin Avenue; zoned CR-5.0 C-5.0 R-4.75 H-250 and Bethesda Overlay Zone; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. B. Preliminary Plan No. 11994080C – Request to amend the previous approval to allow for a maximum of 315,500 square feet of development density, to include 306,849 square feet of multi-family residential density use, consisting of no more than 308 multi-family dwelling units, and including up to 8,651 square feet of commercial use and Live/Work Units; located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hampden Lane and Wisconsin Avenue; zoned CR-5.0 C-5.0 R-4.75 H-250 and Bethesda Overlay Zone; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. C. Site Plan No. 820230010- Request to develop a 250-foot tall, 315,500 square-foot mixed-use building comprised of 306,849 square feet of residential uses for a maximum of 308 units with 15 percent MPDUs, and 8,651 square feet of commercial uses, with 142,475 square feet of Bethesda Overlay Zone (BOZ) density and associated PIP payment. located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hampden Lane and Wisconsin Avenue; zoned CR-5.0 C-5.0 R-4.75 H-250 and Bethesda Overlay Zone; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. Staff recommendation: Approve Requested Hearing Date Item 10 – Attachment A. Bossi | |||||||||||||||
Item 5 | Corso Chevy Chase, Local Map Amendment H-148 & Preliminary Forest Conservation Plan (Public Hearing)A. Local Map Amendment H-148 – Request to rezone a 13.64 acre property from R-60 to CRNF-1.5, C-0.25, R-1.25, H-70’ to allow the construction of a Residential Care Facility (over 16 persons) containing up to 287 independent dwelling units, 190 assisted living beds, and 30 memory care beds, and up to 5,000 square feet of commercial/retail use; Located at 7100 Connecticut Avenue, approximately 1300 feet north of Bradley Boulevard; 13.64 acres; 1990 Bethesda Chevy Chase Master Plan. B. Preliminary Forest Conservation Plan H-148 – Request for approval of a Preliminary Forest Conservation Plan to establish a conservation easement, impact and remove specimen trees, and satisfy afforestation/reforestation requirements associated with Local Map Amendment H-148. Located at 7100 Connecticut Avenue, approximately 1300 feet north of Bradley Boulevard; 13.64 acres; 1990 Bethesda Chevy Chase Master Plan. Staff recommendation: Approval with Conditions Item 5 – Attachment MCPB 3/9/23 – Item 5 – ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENCE T. Gatling | |||||||||||||||
12:30 pm | LUNCH | |||||||||||||||
1:15 pm | PLANNING BOARD MEETING CONTINUES | |||||||||||||||
Item 6 | 4824 Edgemoor, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12020007A & Site Plan Amendment 82021004A (Public Hearing)A . Preliminary Plan Amendment 12020007A – Request to amend previous approval to increase the number of units from up to 76 units to up to 111 units, with the option to convert up to 65 units to short term hotel rentals in the CR-2.5, C-0.5, R-2.5, H-120 zone, 0.20-acres, within the 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan area; additional modifications include revised bicycle parking to reflect the requirement of 112 units, minor changes in fenestration and the inclusion of additional balconies on the eastern and northern elevations, and additional windows added to elevations to accommodate the proposed additional units. B. Site Plan Amendment 82021004A – Request to amend previous approval to incorporate building modifications which include revised bicycle parking to reflect the requirement of 111 units, minor changes in fenestration and the inclusion of additional balconies on the eastern and northern elevations, and additional windows added to elevations to accommodate the proposed additional units; 0.20-acres, located at 4824 Edgemoor Lane, within the 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan area. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Item 6 – ATTACHMENT A Item 6 – ATTACHMENT B Item 6 – ATTACHMENT C MCPB 3/9/23 – Item 6 – ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENCE T. Gatling | |||||||||||||||
Item 7 | ZTA 23-##, Bethesda Overlay Zone – Development Procedures extensions (Public Hearing)This proposed ZTA, if introduced, would provide for a one-time automatic extension of the timelines set forth in Section B. Berbert | |||||||||||||||
Item 8 | 14511 Jones Lane (Lot 23): Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11996072A, Forest Conservation Plan Amendment (Public Hearing)Application to amend the Final Forest Conservation Plan to abandon an existing 0.05-acre Category I Conservation Easement and provide mitigation via fee-in-lieu payment at a 2:1 ratio; located on Lot 23, 14511 Jones Lane, North Potomac; 0.46 acres; R-200 zone; 2002 Potomac Subregion Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions M. Kishter | |||||||||||||||
Item 9 | Preston Place, Preliminary Plan No. 120220130 and Site Plan No. 820220180 (Public Hearing – Continued from February 23, 2023 to Allow Re-Noticing )R-30 and R-60 Zones; 12.61 acres; located on the south side of Manor Road, approximately 50 feet west of its intersection with Jones Bridge Road; 2013 Chevy Chase Lakes Sector Plan A. Preliminary Plan No. 120220130 Item 9 – ATTACHMENT MCPB 3/9/23 – Item 9 – ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENCE A. Bossi/G. Bogdan | |||||||||||||||
ADJOURN | ||||||||||||||||
PUBLIC NOTICE | ||||||||||||||||
Planning Board Seeks Public Comments on Four The Planning Board will hear testimony and consider recommendations for the Water and Sewer Category Change Requests (WSSCR) listed below on Thursday March 23, 2023. The applications request that community water and/or sewer service be extended to these properties. A public hearing for these administrative cases will be facilitated via telephone conference on April 5, 2023, at 10:00 am by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Planning Board recommendations for these cases will be presented to the County Executive before final decision.
The staff report for the water and sewer category change request will be posted on the Planning Board’s website one week prior to the meeting: https://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agendas/. Contact Katherine Nelson at 301-495-4622 or Katherine.Nelson@montgomeryplanning.org. Written comments are also welcomed if submitted at least 24 hours prior to the Planning Board Hearing. Emails or letter may be sent to: |
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REVISED: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 5:13PM