9:00 am | PLANNING BOARD MEETING | ||||||||||||
Item 1 | Preliminary Matters | ||||||||||||
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | |||||||||||||
*B. Approval of Minutes | |||||||||||||
Minutes for February 20, 2025 | |||||||||||||
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | |||||||||||||
Silver Spring Design Advisory Panel ReappointmentItem 1C – Attachment A. Margolies | |||||||||||||
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) | ||||||||||||
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) | ||||||||||||
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Hassnain Residence Preliminary Plan No. 120230140: Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 3Request to extend review period from March 11, 2025, to June 11, 2025; Application to create one lot for one single-family detached dwelling unit; 1404 Spencerville Road; RE-1 zone; 43,172 sq. ft.; 1997 Cloverly Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request U. Njeze | |||||||||||||
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report
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Item 9
ADDED | Legislative Update | ||||||||||||
Item 7 | Master Plan of Highways and Transitways – 2024 Technical Update – Work Session #2Work session #2 will be held for the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways. Staff Recommendation: Discuss Public Hearing comments and provide direction to staff. Item 7 – Attachment A: MPOHT Item 7- Attachment B: Written Testimony Item 7- Attachment C: Testimony Responses Item 7- Attachment D: Resolution 18-957 Item 7- Attachment E: Park Trail Option Item 7- Attachment F: Climate Assessment S. Aldrich | ||||||||||||
11:40 am | LUNCH | ||||||||||||
Item 8
ADDED | CLOSED SESSION According to MD ANN Code, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b)(9), to conduct collective bargaining negotiations or consider matters that relate to the negotiations | ||||||||||||
Item 6
MOVED FROM FEBRUARY 27 AGENDA | Glenmont Corridors Opportunity StudyResults for the Glenmont Corridors Opportunity Study Staff recommendation: Receive briefing on the Glenmont Corridors Opportunity Study and transmit to the Montgomery County Council. Item 6 – Attachment 1: GCOS Final Item 6 – Attachment 2: Appendices GCOS Z. Adrianvala | ||||||||||||
Item 5 | More Housing N.O.W. – New Options for Workers Package (Public Hearing)The More Housing N.O.W. package aims to drive down housing costs and increase pathways to homeownership in the county through two Zoning Text Amendments, one Subdivision Regulation Amendment, and one bill. A. ZTA 25-02 Workforce Housing – Development Standards This ZTA would allow additional types of residential dwelling units along select transportation corridors through a new Workforce Housing optional method of development in the R-200, R-90, R-60, and R-40 zones. B. ZTA 25-03 Expedited Approvals – Commercial to Residential Reconstruction This ZTA would create a new Commercial to Residential Reconstruction use, establish a new expedited approval plan type, and allow reallocation of commercial FAR to residential in certain employment zones. C. SRA 25-01 Administrative Subdivision – Expedited Approval Plan This SRA creates an administrative subdivision process expediting review for Commercial to Residential Reconstruction uses. D. Bill 2-25 Taxation – Payments in Lieu of Taxes – Affordable Housing This Bill would allow a Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) for a residential development resulting from the conversion of an existing commercial property into residential as allowed by ZTA 25-03 for Commercial to Residential Reconstruction, exempting 100% of the real property tax for 25 years. Staff Recommendation: Transmit comments to the District Council supporting Bill 2-25, ZTA 25-02, 25-03, and SRA 25-01 with comments. Item 5 – Attachment A: ZTA 25-02 Intro Packet Item 5 – Attachment B: ZTA 25-03 Intro Packet Item 5 – Attachment C: SRA 25-01 Intro Packet Item 5- Attachment D: Climate Assessment 25-02 Item 5 – Attachment E: Climate Assessment 25-03 Item 5 – Attachment F: Complete Streets Design Guide for Controlled Major Highway Item 5 – Attachment G: OMWF Parking Item 5 – Attachment H: Employment Zone Maps Updated B. Berbert/L. Govoni
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5:30 pm | ADJOURN | ||||||||||||
PUBLIC NOTICE | |||||||||||||
Planning Board Seeks Public Comments on Three Administrative Sewer and Water Category Change Requests
The Planning Board will hear testimony and consider recommendations for the Water and Sewer Category Change Requests (WSSCR) listed below on Thursday, March 27, 2025. The applicants request that community water and/or sewer service be extended to these properties.
A public hearing for these administrative cases will be facilitated via telephone conference on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Planning Board recommendations for these cases will be presented to the County Executive before final decision.
The staff report for the water and sewer category change request will be posted on the Planning Board’s website one week prior to the meeting: https://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agendas/. Contact Jamey Pratt at 301-495-4588 or Jamey.Pratt@montgomeryplanning.org. See also DEP’s website www.montgomerycountymd.gov/waterworks or call 240-777-7700. Written comments are also welcomed if submitted at least 48 hours prior to the Planning Board Hearing. Emails or letter may be sent to: Chair Artie Harris Montgomery County Planning Board 2425 Reedie Drive 14th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902 mcp-chair@mncppc-mc.org
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REVISED: Friday, February 28, 2025 - 2:16PM