9:00 am | PLANNING BOARD MEETING | |||||||||
Item 1 | Preliminary Matters | |||||||||
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | ||||||||||
1. Rich Meadows, Parcel 606 Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240010 – MCPB No. – 24-119 | ||||||||||
2. Rich Meadows, Parcel 606 Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240060 -MCPB No. 24-120
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*B. Approval of Minutes | ||||||||||
Minutes for December 19, 2024 | ||||||||||
*C. Other Preliminary Matters | ||||||||||
Item 2 | Record Plats (Public Hearing) | |||||||||
Subdivision Plat No. 220250480, Meadowsweet RNC zone; 2 parcels; located on the north side of Olney-Sandy Spring Road (MD 108), approximately 1,000 feet east of Slade School Road; Sandy Spring – Ashton Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Conditional Approval | ||||||||||
Item 3 | Regulatory Extension Requests (Public Hearing) | |||||||||
Ancient Oak, Administrative Subdivision Plan No. 620240220 and Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan No. F20241000, Regulatory Review Extension Request No. 2Request to extend the regulatory review period until February 13, 2025: Application to create two lots for two new single-family detached units; located at 13330 Darnestown Road; R-200 Zone, 2002 Potomac Subregion Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the extension request M. Clayborne | ||||||||||
Ruby Senior Homes: Preliminary Plan No. 120250030, Regulatory Review Extension Request No 1Request to extend review period to March 2, 2025; Application to create one recorded lot for a proposed senior living facility. R-200; located on West Old Baltimore Road, 100 feet W of Ruby Drive.; 4.66 acres; 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan (Master Plan). Staff Recommendation: Approval of Extension Request J. Penn | ||||||||||
Item 4 | Roundtable DiscussionPlanning Director’s Report
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Item 5 | Upper Paint Branch Stream Valley ParkAuthorization to acquire 4.31 acres of land, more or less, improved, from Mary E. Scearce located at 2225 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring. Staff Recommendation: Approval and Adoption of the Resolution B. Sandberg/A. Fothergill | |||||||||
Item 12 | University Boulevard Corridor Plan Working DraftStaff will present the Working Draft of the University Boulevard Corridor Plan Staff recommendation: Approve the Working Draft of the University Boulevard Corridor Plan as the Public Hearing Draft and schedule the public hearing. Item 12 – Attachment Item 12 – Correspondence J. McVary | |||||||||
Item 7 | Montgomery Auto Sales Park Lots 17 & 18: Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11985027B, Montgomery Auto Sales Park Lot 18: Site Plan Amendment No. 82014014A, Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240980 (Public Hearing)A. Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11985027B – Request to modify the APF phasing schedule for two automobile dealerships; located at 3110 and 3130 Automobile Boulevard approximately 580 feet southwest of the intersection of Castle Boulevard and Automobile Boulevard; CR 2.0, C-1.5, R-1.5, H-85 zone; 8.1 acres; 2023 Fairland and Briggs Chaney Master Plan. B. Site Plan Amendment No. 82014014A – Request for a 39,900 square feet automobile dealership with outdoor display and related site improvements; located at 3130 Automobile Boulevard, approximately 1,000 feet southwest of the intersection of Castle Boulevard and Automobile Boulevard; CR 2.0, C-1.5, R-1.5, H-85 zone; 3.32 acres; 2023 Fairland and Briggs Chaney Master Plan. C. Forest Conservation Plan No. F20240980 – Request for approval of a Preliminary/Final Forest Conservation Plan to satisfy afforestation/reforestation requirements associated with Site Plan No. 82014014A. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Item 7 – Attachment A: Prior Approvals Item 7 – Attachment B: Applicant SOJ Item 7 – Attachment C: Preliminary Plan Amendment Item 7 – Attachment D: Site Plan Amendment Item 7 – Attachment E: Forest Conversation Plan Amendment Item 7 – Attachment F: Agency Letters P. Estes | |||||||||
Item 8 | 7749 Old Georgetown Road, Preliminary Plan No. 120240070, Site Plan No. 820240090 & Forest Conservation No. F20241020 (Public Hearing)0.72 acres, CR-5.0, C-5.0, R-5.0, H-175 and Bethesda Overlay Zone (BOZ); Located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Old Georgetown Road and St. Elmo Avenue; 2017 Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan. Project includes the following applications: Item 8 – Attachment A Item 8 – Attachment B Item 8 – Attachment C Item 8 – Attachment D Item 8 – Attachment E Item 8 – Attachment F G. Bogdan | |||||||||
12:15 pm | LUNCH | |||||||||
Item 9 | Water and Sewer Category Change Requests – Administrative Delegation 2025-1 Group (Public Testimony Accepted)The Planning Board is required to make a master plan conformance determination for all water and sewer category change requests. The Board will review the County Executive’s Administrative Delegation (AD) 2025-1 Group of proposed category map amendments to Montgomery County’s Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan. Staff Recommendation: Transmit Comments to the County Executive J. Pratt | |||||||||
Item 10 | Briefing: Martin Street Shared Use PathThe Planning Board will receive a briefing about the Martin Street Shared Use Path project between Arcola Avenue and Henderson Road in Wheaton. Staff Recommendation: Transmit Comments to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation Item 10 – Attachment A E. Glazier | |||||||||
Item 11 | Local Area Transportation Review (LATR) Guidelines (Interim Update) (Public Testimony Accepted)Planning staff will review the proposed updates to the LATR Guidelines. The update incorporates changes resulting from the new Growth and Infrastructure Policy (GIP), provides a new proportionality guide, and improves the document’s organization. During this session, the Planning Board will review and consider approving the updated LATR Guidelines. Staff recommendation: Approve the updated LATR Guidelines. Item 11 – Attachment 1: GIP Resolutions Item 11 – Attachment 2: Draft LATR Guidelines Item 11 – Attachment 3: Transportation Adequacy Form D. Buckley | |||||||||
Item 6 | Democracy Center, Preliminary Plan No. 120250020, Site Plan No. 820250020, and Forest Conservation Plan No. F20250070 (Public Hearing)Proposal to construct a multifamily residential development comprised of up to 386 multifamily residential dwelling units (15% MPDUs), Including a density transfer from existing development; Located on the northwest quadrant of the Westlake Terrace and Rockledge Drive intersection; On approximately 15.35 acres zoned CR-1.5 C-1.25, R-0.75, H-200’; Within the 2017 Rock Spring Sector Plan area. A. Preliminary Plan No. 120250020Request to subdivide an existing one (1) lot office park into two (2) lots for up to 472,710 square feet of residential uses (up to 386 multifamily residential dwelling units) and up to 671,350 square feet of commercial uses (to remain). B. Site Plan No. 820250020Proposed infill development with up to 386 multifamily residential dwelling units, with 15% Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs), open space, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and associated public benefits to support incentive density. The project includes a density transfer from existing development. C. Forest Conservation Plan No. F20250070Final Forest Conservation Plan for the associated development. The Forest Conservation Plan requests a tree variance for the removal of five specimen trees. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Item 6 – Updated Attachment E A. Lindsey | |||||||||
4:00 pm | ADJOURN | |||||||||
PUBLIC NOTICE | ||||||||||
Planning Board Seeks Public Comments on Two Administrative Sewer and Water Category Change Requests The Planning Board will hear testimony and consider recommendations for the Water and Sewer Category Change Requests (WSSCR) listed below on Thursday, January A public hearing for these administrative cases will be facilitated via telephone conference on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Planning Board recommendations for these cases will be presented to the County Executive before final decision.
The staff report for the water and sewer category change request will be posted on the Planning Board’s website one week prior to the meeting: https://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agendas/. Contact Jamey Pratt at 301-495-4588 or Jamey.Pratt@montgomeryplanning.org. See also DEP’s website www.montgomerycountymd.gov/waterworks or call 240-777-7700. Written comments are also welcomed if submitted at least 48 hours prior to the Planning Board Hearing. Emails or letter may be sent to: Chair Artie Harris Montgomery County Planning Board 2425 Reedie Drive 14th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902 mcp-chair@mncppc-mc.org
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REVISED: Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 2:05PM