9:00 am | PLANNING BOARD MEETING | |||||||||||||||
Item 1 | Consent Agenda | |||||||||||||||
*A. Adoption of Resolutions | ||||||||||||||||
*B. Record Plats
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Subdivision Plat No. 220200040, Layhill Village East Staff Recommendation: Approval | ||||||||||||||||
*C. Other Consent Items | ||||||||||||||||
Cloverleaf Center Germantown: Preliminary Plan Amendment 11988156B and Cloverleaf Center Germantown, Site Plan Amendment 81990060CA. Cloverleaf Center Germantown, Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 11988156B Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution R. Sigworth | ||||||||||||||||
Hillandale Gateway, Sketch Plan Amendment No. 32018002A, Preliminary Plan No. 120190220, and Site Plan No. 820190130 Regulatory Extension Request #4Request to extend the regulatory review period from September 24, 2020 to February 25, 2021 for up to 598,721 square feet of mixed-use development, with up to 16,039 square feet of commercial and up to 582,682 square feet of residential development with 463 units, 155 of which are age-restricted; located at the southwest corner of the New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) and Powder Mill Road intersection, Silver Spring; on approximately 6.60 acres of land zoned CRT 1.75, C-0.5, R-1.5, H-85; within the 2014 White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan area. E. Tettelbaum | ||||||||||||||||
ADDED | Takoma Junction, Preliminary Plan 120190150 & Site Plan 820190090, Extension Request No. 3NR 0.75 H 50 and Takoma Park/East Silver Spring Overlay zone, 1.25 acres, Third request to extend review from September 30, 2020 to April 29, 2021, for one lot for up to 40,761 square feet on non-residential uses; located on Carroll Avenue, 90 feet west of Sycamore Avenue; Takoma Park Master Plan. G. Bogdan | |||||||||||||||
*D. Approval of Minutes | ||||||||||||||||
Item 2 | Roundtable DiscussionParks Director’s Report
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Minutes of September 10, 2020 | ||||||||||||||||
Item*3 | Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington, Preliminary Plan No. 120200080Request to create one lot for a religious assembly and one-family residential/parsonage use; located at 15400 New Hampshire Avenue; 11 acres; RE-2 Zone; Upper Paint Branch Special Protection Area and Overlay Zone; 1997 Cloverly Master Plan. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution R. Sigworth | |||||||||||||||
Item *4 | 8901 and 8907 Colesville Road (Martha B Gudelsky Child Development Center), Conditional Use and Preliminary Forest Conservation PlanA. Conditional Use CU202008: Request for a Day Care Center (Over 30 persons) for 180 children to be established on the 2.02 acre, former Silver Spring Library site in the R-60 Zone; located at 8901 and 8907 Colesville Road, 390 feet north of Spring Street, within the 2000 North and West Silver Spring Master Plan. B. Preliminary Forest Conservation Plan CU202008: Request for construction of a Day Care Center (Over 30 Persons) for 180 children to be established on the 2.02 acre, former Silver Spring Library site in the R-60 Zone; located at 8901 and 8907 Colesville Road, 390 feet north of Spring Street, within the 2000 North and West Silver Spring Master Plan. M. Fuster/T. Gatling | |||||||||||||||
Item *5 | Pooks Hill, Site Plan Amendment No. 81982098FCR 1.0 C 1.0 R 0.75 H 160’, 19.38 acres. Request to reduce maximum density from 905,250 to 769,073 square feet, reduce residential density from 645,657 to 510,000 square feet and reduce total residential units from 631 to 562 units while maintaining 15% MPDUs, reduce height from 160 feet to 136 feet; redesign vehicular circulation and relocate garage entries, modify building footprints, entrances, and add a first floor connection between residential towers; reduce parking from 804 spaces to 520 spaces; redesign hardscape and landscape areas; redesign building facades and modify balconies; modify associated public benefit points; located on Pooks Hill Road approximately 500 feet from Rockville Pike; 1990 Bethesda Chevy Chase Master Plan. G. Bogdan | |||||||||||||||
12:00 pm | LUNCH | |||||||||||||||
12:30 pm | PLANNING BOARD MEETING CONTINUES | |||||||||||||||
Item 6
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Item 7 | Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment Worksession No. 5: | |||||||||||||||
Item 8 | Charles W. Woodward High School Re-opening: Final Forest Conservation Plan, No. MR2020022Request to clear 2.07 acres of forest and a variance request to remove and impact specimen trees; located at 11211 Old Georgetown Road, Rockville MD; on 27.3 acres of land zoned R-90; within the 1992 North Bethesda Garrett Park Master Plan. T. Leftwich | |||||||||||||||
Item *9 | Washington Adventist Hospital: Site Plan Amendment No. 82008021KSite Plan Amendment request to revise three (3) conditions of the prior Site Plan Amendment 82008021J regarding the existing Street B-5 (also known as Healing Way) from public to private ownership, and bond refund for the cross-section of Street B-5 and the construction of Bikeway LB-8; reallocation of square footage of medical office use to hospital-related use in Building A; reallocation of square footage and increase building height for the addition of an eighth-floor atop the Main Hospital; and addition of a vestibule to the main building; Located on the west side of Plum Orchard Drive, approximately 400 feet south of Broadbirch Drive; 44.86 acres within the 2014 White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan and the Life Sciences Center (LSC) 1.0, H-200 Zone. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution T. Graham | |||||||||||||||
Item 10 | Traffic Counts Data Collection Policy During COVID-19 PandemicThe Planning Board will be briefed on an updated Planning Staff policy recommendation pertaining to the collection of traffic counts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff Recommendation: Planning Board Discussion J. Sartori/E. Graye | |||||||||||||||
Item 11 | Complete Streets Design Guidelines – Work Session #2Work Session # 2 on the Draft Complete Streets Design Guidelines S. Aldrich | |||||||||||||||
Item *12 | Good Hope Road SidepathA. Preliminary/Final Water Quality Plan MR2020035: Upper Paint Branch Special Protection Area Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Adoption of Resolution B. Mandatory Referral MR2020035: Good Hope Road Sidepath Staff Recommendation: Approval with Comments S. Aldrich/K. Nelson | |||||||||||||||
Item 13 |
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5:45 pm | ADJOURN | |||||||||||||||
PUBLIC NOTICE | ||||||||||||||||
Planning Board Seeks Public Comment on The Planning Board will hear testimony and consider recommendations for the water and sewer category change requests (WSSCR) listed below on Thursday October 1, 2020. The applications request that community water and/or sewer service be extended to these properties. A public hearing for these cases will be facilitated via telephone conference on October 2, 2020 at 9:00 am by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Planning Board recommendations for these cases will be presented to the County Executive before final decision.
The staff report for the water and sewer category change requests will be posted on the Planning Board’s website one week prior to the meeting: https://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agendas/. Contact Katherine Nelson at 301-495-4622 or Katherine.Nelson@montgomeryplanning.org. Written comments are also welcomed if submitted at least 24 hours prior to the Planning Board Hearing. Emails or letter may be sent to: Chair, Casey Anderson |
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REVISED: Thursday, September 17, 2020 - 3:36PM